North Korea Launches Short-Range Missile, South Says

no you should diplomacy with China they country that is keeping him in power.
China could end this in a Month.

He released frozen assets in exchange for an international nuclear deal, which btw Iran still has no nukes, isnt testing them, and Israel is still in the ME being a power center.

But yes, your North Korea hopey changey is noted. Too bad master deal maker cant actually make deals like Obama did

The US Intelligence community stands in direct opposition to our POTUS and therefore cannot be trusted. Rely on Donald and all shall be well!


They got some good clips for the state run television

that’s a pretty lousy attitude over diplomacy

he’s got nuke capabilities. yes he starves his people etc but he merits a summit. thats how it goes.

this is not an easy process. perhaps if earlier administrations dealt with the problem more seriously it would be easier

N Korea launches multiple missiles and what does fat donald respond with?

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I love how meeting with dictators is now ok… add it to cheating on your wife, attacking veterans, running $1trillion deficits, spending 2009 levels, etc


Absolutely correct! Donald had to use his very best genius diplomacy to undo the damage of that traitorous rogue Hussein Obama and before him the Clinton cabal.

you mean, he paid ransom for a nuke deal.

but they only repeatedly promise to attack israel, so, good framework for a deal i guess

LOL like libs suddenly care about morals now? Cute.

Eat your peas, libs! You can’t beat us over the head with our principles when we abandoned them to MAGA our hearts out! :us:

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if the dictators are nuclear, it’s a necessary evil.

even if they aren’t a theocratic fundamentalist islamist nation

It was their money frozen due to their nuclear activities. They stopped their activities so it was unfrozen. What the hell are you talking about? Fake news trumpists dont even understand how sanctions work.

This pretty much sums up trumpism

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Good thing Obama actually inked a deal before Iran went nuclear. A real deal.

i agree mostly

See, if its not on video by a CEC-approved network, it doesn’t count.

Valiant effort, though.

Sometimes the tired old talking points need to be dusted off.

Who gives a ■■■■ about Israel?

Can we (Americans) focus on America for once and now bow down to Israel.

“bow down?”

“who gives a ■■■■ ?”

you sound like democrat congresswomen.

i have an idea. lets quietly swiftly airlift hip high stacks of cash to Kim

i heard that’s how you get a good nuke deal going

Or, just ask Trump.