North Dakota Resistances

Biden has certainly accelerated the trend of governance by EO, at least in his first two weeks.

It’s not something that should be applauded.

Oh, I agree. I think it’s much better to follow the constitutional process and work with the legislative branch.

I’m waiting for when they talk about the exploding deficits.

It will be exciting to see Tea Party Rallies again.

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That’s not possible, time is of the essence.

Mod Note

Let’s keep it civil please.

You will be waiting a long time then. Not gonna happen. Pretty much everybody has given up on the government living within their means. We tried. We lost. Had both parties working against us. No point in trying again. Sorry bout cher luck.

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Had to get rid of the stench of trump quickly from the American govt.

The rate will slow down dramatically once trump major policies errors are reversed.


This is what I mean when I type about Biden and his supporters losing focus on the pandemic.

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Trump stench includes covid policies.

Using military for vaccinations for instance.

Biden has handled the rollout or the vaccinations really well.


AR has a savvy governor.

Good news also in how much vaccine has been administered in that state.

Circling back to Trump just shows that the foundation for success was thanks to his team. this report is barely a week into Biden term.

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“Hutchinson said on ABC’s “This Week” that anything that can be done to speed up production of vaccines, including invoking the Defense Production Act, would be good.”

Trump did not use DPA to speed up vaccine production.

Biden did.


Doesn’t matter. Trump paid for first 200 million doses and the government cannot provide resources to improve production.

Pulling National guard from DC and having them inject vaccine would be a Biden win.

Make it happen… today.

Why can’t the government provide resources to improve production?

And distribution?

It’s only a matter of time before the Tea Party makes a comeback.

The last 4 years exposed supposed conservatives as nothing more than partisan frauds.