None Dare Call It Treason

Definition of treason
1 : the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance or to kill or personally injure the sovereign or the sovereign’s family
2 : the betrayal of a trust : treachery

It is a betrayal to fund the invasion of our country by uneducated poor, teaching them to hate America as a racist bigoted country.

At least you understand the term treason, too bad the OP doesn’t.

#1 There exists not ONE person in the democrat party as an elected representative which is how we work as a society who has advocated overthrowing the government. If a lone retarded individual of two has done as much that is on them but its intellectually dishonest to attribute that to an entire party and it’s members.

That is like saying Timothy McVeigh is the republican who represented that party.

#2 Your personal opinion of a betrayal of a trust based on false assertions isn’t in fact treachery and thus treason.

Don’t believe me, go ahead and file a case in court against any and everyone you believe is committing treason particular those in the democrat party. Report back to me on the results of that.

This foolishness knows no bounds.

Added to their crimes is teaching undocumented Democrats to hate America as a racist bigoted nation that deserves any violence they do against it.

Got something within the last 20 years?

I see, so no answer, got it.

Sure it was, many times over.

Because you don’t include what you reply to, I don’t know what you are babbling about.

Here, learn something new:

Have you pointed out anyone specifically elected who has seeked to overthrow the government? Still waiting.

Where are the lawsuits you’ve filed asserting civil treason (doesn’t exist in reality). Still waiting.

Keep posting random youtube videos, that will certainly help your cause … NOT Especially considering they have nothing to do with you assertions. It’s almost like you don’t understand how this work. In fact it is exactly that way. Guess I’ll post a youtube video of Tweety bird and say she supports me. LMAO.

Its a conscience raising piece, therefore the videos are not random. They educate against the socialism illegals believe is good for them, which the Democrat Party encourages.

Its really quite insane. They flee their own countries ruined by socialism, but come here and vote for Democrat socialists who will transform the country of plenty, into Venezuela…

The video is old. The latest, millions more have fled. Most barter for food, their currency is worthless.

That’s what the Democrat Party wants here, as long as they rule over the masses…they don’t care.

If that aint Treasonous, what is?

They are propaganda, that of which you bought hook link and sinker.

I note again your refusal to answer the questions posed. Not much point in continuing this discussion until you do. They are your assertions, deflections aren’t needed. You get the same questions as to the validity of your op claims until you address them.

Have you pointed out anyone specifically elected who has seeked to overthrow the government?

Where are the lawsuits you’ve filed asserting civil treason?

If you proved theft was occurring at a store, that some of the money recorded going in, was missing when it was counted going out…

And I objected “have you pointed out anyone specifically who took the money”

You would reject the criticism.

It was sufficient you proved money was missing. Others are in charge of finding the actual crooks, that’s not your job.

The OP proves beyond any reasonable doubt the Democrat Party’s subversive activities are treasonous.

Its the job of others to find the the actual traitors.

Not even any point in reading past that. Deflection noted, questioned not answered, your op is still as retarded as the minute you wrote it.

[quote=“CassandraJoe, post:111, topic:6359, full:true”]

The money men funding the treasonous sedition promulagated by the Democrat Party must be brought to justice.

I have identified the prime movers in the conspiracy, the DNC, Media, Academia.

Small potatoe deflecting apologists aren’t worth my time…

Not luck, self evident truth. Democrats teach illegals to game America, its immigration, welfare, and legal system. They transplant them into ghettos in the city, and insist they not learn English or job skills necessary for the 21st century.

As these islands of civil unrest fester, they immerse them in Democrat lies about America, its free market system and its people. They indoctrinate their children in our public schools, not to learn critical thinking and reading skills that would advantage them above wave of AI robots on the horizon, no…

They teach them to chant leftist slogans, engage in victim politics, suppression of free speech and to celebrate Che Guevara and other murderers.

And when the misery index climbs in Democrat created boiling cauldron of hate, they blame Americans for their misery. Say we are racist bigots who refuse to give them the wealth we earned by participating in America’s free market capitalist system that is the envy of the world.

They blame Republicans, and the low information crowds vote even more Democrat socialism in so their misery increases guaranteeing they will vote Democrat again next election.

But eventually that pot will boil over, and people will be killed. And its the treasonous Democrat party that is at fault.

None Dare call it Treason. Well, I just did.

They teach them to not learn, or speak english?

Come again? Well that sort of flies in the face of another fun factoid that is trotted out here, which is that illegals suck out our resources such as in state tuition for undocumented students

Couple that with the Plyler vs Doe Scotus case of 1982 which said that all children in the us are entitled to attend public schooling regardless of immigrant status.

So I wanna know what color of suits these education Gestapo men wear while they go block by block. School to school looking for these illegals and making sure they aren’t in school to keep them stupid?

You come up with some really stupid conspiracies in the past. This one is in the top 10

No wonder we libs think cons are so messed up when ■■■■ like this is postulated and cons say they actually think it means something. R’s are closer to treason with the Trump-Putin bromance than anything in decades. If I was a con, I’d keep an eye on my own house. The cards may come tumbling any time.

And it was a silly post.