No win situation comes November

We knew who and what they are…they finally came out of the closet and admit it. :wink:

Walk in closets in our enclaves.

This reminds me, with all the polling showing results from the moderates, I wonder if the size of the group who refer to themselves as “moderates” or “independents” has increased in size.

With the rise of the TEA party movement, a lot of people who were republicans, became disenfranchised independents.

I have to believe that not all the people who considered themselves as Democrats, are on board with the new direction taken by this liberal, socialist progressive, uncivil, angry, TDS inflicted, Democratic Party. So how many disenfranchised dems, are identifying themselves in polls as moderates or independents?

Yeah we know. Your whole deal is fear now.

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I’m in that category and I can assure you my vote isn’t going to the party of Trump

Alot of normal good people Democrats dont know what the progs are doing. They think any criticism against progs us just politics. My dad (RIP this February) took most of his 90 years to realize what was going on. Finally at around 86 or 87, he acknowledged that the progs took his “working man’s party” away from lady liberty, beat her up in a back alley, and emerged wearing her blood stained clothes and calling themselves “Democrats”.

RIP indeed.

My Dad figured out the Dem Progs during the Great Depression, always said that FDR was a four letter word.

He died too early to figure out that the GOProggies had deflowered and gutted the Republican party as well.

No it’s a win for us if the Republicans keep control and the left goes full blown mob in their mentality running up to 2020.

The more extreme they become the less likelihood they have of succeeding in either 2018 or more importantly 2020.

You’re really pumping the fear tactics hard as of late. Why? It comes across as desperate. Do you see the writing on the wall, and are throwing some last minute fear mongering out there in hopes of staving off the inevitable? Or are you just lazily repeating the talking points being echoed across rightwing entertainment?

I guess my question boils down to whether you’re thinking for yourself here or not?

I’m observing reality and discussing it. You are free to pretend otherwise though.

They’re afraid of all of the protesting. Shows motivation, more than they can muster.

The way they dismiss it is by using the word “mob” a lot, just as they used the word “race pimp” and “thug” for another group.

And then, of course, the generic congressional ballot, a strong indicator of midterm results, is none too pretty for Republicans and hasn’t been for months.

We vote by individual districts not a national ballot and the republicans have had the momentum since the Kavanaugh hearings.

November 7th is going to be a bad day for your side because whatever gains you were expecting will never materialize as a result.

“Your side”

This is the problem.

You folks picked the side, not me.

There you go again.

Reality, deal with it.

I was actually about to makw the same statement to you.

See ya Nov 7th.

Well, that’s a nice opinion.

So many fear-based posts in this thread.

It feels good. It really does.