No one is going to the Paris Olympics? (Travel is still surging, but Paris hotel prices are dropping.)

I posted about that in one of the Bud Lite threads. The optics of selecting Bella Hadid as a spokes-celebrity for that particular marketing campaign was almost as bad as the Dylan Mulvaney debacle.

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they are already playing rugby before the opening ceremony (several other events are scheduled before as well)

You’re a crumpet eating imperialist. Did you expect them to treat you nicely lol?

…as libs continue to ignore what’s going on around them but…then again…they couldn’t see dementia when it was right in front of them which is why I’m not surprised by your posts.

I mean riots are a French tradition. They love burning down their own businesses. Because the only people that hate the French government more than black Africans are white Frenchmen.


Yeah it’s ok. History only happens when a YouTube video exists.

The French riot every few years. For decades.

You didn’t know that but that’s Okie.

My understanding is that it’s a revolt by traditional French against their government for bringing in so many middle east immigrants that aren’t assimilating.

How’s that Russian collusion thingy going? Have you vomited it out yet or still chewing that cud from years ago? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

That’s certainly a part of it. They’re also mad about environmental regulations.

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You understand wrong

:joy::joy:. Nice try to switch subjects again.

Did you know that form the very beginning i said that the Russian collusion isn’t going to pan out but of course you want to derail your youtube nonsense. Why wouldn’t you? It’s nonsense.


And retirement age

And taxes

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They’re being French. I wish we were still like that. We used to be that way back in the founding. We used to launch rebellions over whisky taxes. What happened to us?

And it’s summer, and France lost to Spain, and it’s tradition , and gotta do something while waiting for baguette to proof correctly and waiting for mistresses to put on their face.


I have so many more :joy:

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Yeah when you guys riot I don’t worry about it too much. It’s part of the French charm at this point.

When Germans riot I get nervous unless they just won the World Cup or something. Because they never riot for any reason at all. Unless they win the World Cup. Then Berlin looks like Mogadishu for a few days.

And the Russians try to riot but the FSB nips that in the bud real fast by violently shooting everyone within a ten mile area of the disturbance.

“Da, if we kill everyone in the town there will be no rioting.”

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leftist loving mostly peaceful riots happen everywhere