No one is going to the Paris Olympics? (Travel is still surging, but Paris hotel prices are dropping.)

Business travel is still surging:

Tourism is still booming (although very uneven)

Especially uneven is Paris, France. Despite hosting the Summer Olympics, hotel prices here have dropped from the peak a few years ago.

You’d think Olympic surge in demand on top of worldwide surge in demand would equate to higher prices, not lower. but that is not the case.

Considering France’s political issues at the moment, I’d steer clear of Paris for the time being. I feel like many people feel the same way.


From the Bloomberg article:

Paris hotel prices during the Olympics have fallen to almost half their peak rate, further underscoring that overzealous hoteliers may have misjudged the appetite for expensive rooms.

Accommodations are now being listed for an average of €313 ($340) a night between July 26 and Aug. 11, down 41% from the peak rate of €531 observed around 11 months before the Games, according to data from travel insights company Lighthouse.

Rates are still well above the average of €175 during the same period last summer, . . .


I wonder why? Ya know the culture, the arts, the Paris intellectual scene.

Imagine quietly sitting at a sidewalk cafe eating baguettes and drinking wine while quiet, artistic, intellectual, people are all around you, you are surrounded by poetry film painters etc. Isn’t Paris a great place to visit anymore?

I mean Paris riots with burning is a thing every couple of years. I am sure that played a role as nobody likes traveling into political instability

I think the other issue is also how hot France has become in july and August in the past few years (not a climate change thing but a weather thing).

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Yet another big cities are burning thread :joy:


Some really do miss the summer of love….

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I have been to Paris (granted quite some time ago) and of course historically its an amazing city but I found it rather dirty and the people were not the friendliest. Then again me being English might have something to do with it….

I was disappointed I did not see one Frenchmen riding a bike wearing a beret and a string of onions around his neck.

How big do you think Paris is? It’s not one boardwalk and one main street like a certain south Jersey resort town :blush:

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Ya think? :joy:

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Yeah but did you get hit with a baguette?

Ha i forgot to add that, string of onions and a baguette LOL.

Alas no baguette striking but lots of glares and grunts when I tried to converse in the little French I know.

Not about big cities.
(You’ve got a one track mind)

More about the fall off France the fall of Europe etc…

What was once a place of intellectuals and artists and street cafes is no more.

They think they invented Europe what ya gonna do :upside_down_face:

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There is no fall of Europe nor fall of France and it is the same plot line - fall of nyc etc.

It’s still a place of intellectuals and artists and street cafes. It’s not one city block. There are hundreds of blocks with street cafes.

The amount of ignorance about “those other places” that is displayed by statements like “fall of Europe” is mind boggling.


To watch running and swimming events?

I wouldn’t drive to Paris Ohio for that.



So does this happen all the time or is this the most failed Olympics of all modern history . . . (and you have simply chosen to minimize what’s going on.)

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Olympics are always big money losers for the hosts.



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Every couple of years the French take to the streets and burn things. For decades. You don’t know your history

The most failed Olympics in all of modern history :joy:. Where do you come up with this hyperbole?

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No they were always huge money expenditures for the state. They were not big money losers. The world watches olympics. It travels for it.

The world watches soccer. Even if Americans find it brining

The most failed Olympics of this century if that’s a thing would probably be Sochi

Having Winter Olympics in a summer resort was brilliant. Brilliant i tell ya.

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Yes the stadia and sports venue cost more than they earn.
But travel in a slump during the Olympics?

Is that normal?
Should we really say “Nothing to see her folks. Move along. Nothing new here at all. This happens every Olympics.”

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