No one is going to the Paris Olympics? (Travel is still surging, but Paris hotel prices are dropping.)

There is a difference between problems and noting them and the “most failed.”

I know you like to say that you use certain terminology to pick at “libs” and whatnot but i think you also enjoy a bit of hyperbole for fun.

To be fair, they kind of did.

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Oh . . . other must be a list of 3-4 other times there was an Olympics and yet tourists fled the place so rapidly hotel prices dropped 40% or more?

Maybe a few failed half as badly and hotel prices dropped only 20%?

Oh for reference in the Sochi Olympics hotel prices rose 144%.

In Prais Hoteliers cut rates 30% and still no one came, so they cut 30% and still no one came, so they cut rates 40%. Hmm maybe that will do the trick.

Must be something happening.

I would argue that the Vikings kind of but sure Charlemagne and his prodigy do certain get most of the credit.

The Olympics literally hasn’t even started yet and it’s somehow “the most failed Olympics in all modern history.” :laughing:


Didn’t they first triple them and then reduce them by 30 percent or did i misread your post.

The headline is 41 percent from peak - so 41 percent off from triple? What’s the math for that?

Nevermind i figured it out.

Some interesting tidbits in that article including all aspects of the Olympic service industry seeing a crunch. People are clearly staying away form the Olympics.

But interesting tidbit about failing Europe

And it also comes amid a year of record tourism in Europe, where international visitors—driven by Americans—are poised to contribute €800 billion to the region’s economy.

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Not all failures are service industry based :blush:

I was referencing the Olympics themselves but sure

tickets for the womans gymnastics all around finals are a mere €630 (category A-which are not the really good seats)

someone must be buying them……


The UK Independent (April article) also thinks Paris hotels are under-booked for the Olympics and prices are falling.

With barely three months before the Paris 2024 Olympic Games begin, the slump in hotel rates predicted by The Independent has been confirmed.

The global sporting event begins in the French capital on 26 July and continues to 11 August.

Data from the hotel market analyst, Lighthouse, shows a continuous reduction in the nightly rate from an average of over €800 (£689) last September to below €500 (£431) currently.

In the last 30 days alone, rates for three-star properties during the Olympics have dropped by 9 per cent. Four-star hotels have fallen by 8 per cent in the same spell. . . .


Could they be part of the Hannity crowd always talking about city failures?
I don’t recall seeing them post here.

We should welcome them to the Hannityboard or something.

I wouldn’t be surprised if some event happens at these Olympics that will be reminiscent of of Munich.

I’m just expecting Paris to be on fire.

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Just like Paris France it’s always on fire and the water quality is awful.


Did you write this

Yes? Ok good

Just a shadow of its former self the way I hear it.
(Kinda like the Old American West still exists in Disney Parks etc.)

The way you hear it…. Go. See.

The fact that you are comparing a major city to a Disney park perfectly explains the mind set.

Disney world is 26k acres. Paris is 166m acres

See the difference?

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Take it from someone who HAS been there many times very recently…it’s still that place

Who wants to see the Olympics when…you can see…riots? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Civil war :joy::joy:. Your YouTube sources continue to deliver the stupid.