No More Stimulus

gonna suck to lose NY and CA.

Republican presidents in the last 40 years have downs worse than Democratic presidents when it comes to debt.

This makes zero sense. This isn’t even a sentence.

It’s the nitwits who live in left controlled states who continue to vote for that nonsense.

When abolition of the state tax was on MA’s ballot, a majority voted against it.


Sure. I didn’t think I was eligible but I guess my kids put me into the check receiving group but it was vastly reduced.

Not sure what that has to do with Cesar saying he is against another stimulus on the basis the govt spending too much and me saying he should therefore not cash the check and return it. If he doesn’t qualify, that’s fine.

It is self explanatory.

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It seems many conservatives only understand the gravity of the situation if it effects them personally.

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Since you are answering me, please show where in my posts I have not taken the situation seriously nor enacted preventative measures. Especially, considering I was deemed a necessary business and could not opt out.

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Sure. And if he doesn’t qualify then he doesn’t have to worry about it, does he?

Then, don’t assume.

I wasn’t speaking about you, I was speaking about some conservatives. If the shoes doesn’t fit, don’t wear it.

Then reply to someone who fits your counter narrative, not me.

What is particularly heavy-handed about stopping a plague using proven methods which decrease the overall duration of the pestilence and the number of people who die, as well as the number debilitated out of the labor pool?

its not “proven” by any means.


Except, pretty much everywhere else that did it this way.

It should have. Healthcare workers still don’t have enough PPE to safely do their jobs but they’re grinding it out for your sake.

Amazing, isn’t it? Fall is not too far away.


I’m a health care worker, dude. I’m donning the mask and moving my ass to work on the graveyard shift.

I have done absolutely nothing to merit a $600 raise per week. Have these health care workers heard of buying their own masks? It’s all the rage now:

They can even get one with quirky designs:[NB]%20-%20Face%20Masks%20-%20[G.USA]%20[L.ENG]&utm_term=masks&utm_content=Face%20Masks%20-%20Exact&gclid=CI_PoseL8eoCFSIDiAkdM1IF_w&gclsrc=ds

It’s washable at home. How about buying their own spatter jackets?

Why is there such an issue of PPE? Were professionals who care for patients not using it before? Sounds more like a supply management problem than a pandemic problem.

Incidentally, when isn’t there some new virus? Did any of us get a raise when HIV was newer on the scene? How about for resurging, time honored TB?

Hell no! And it isn’t merited now, either for staying home or showing up.

I don’t believe that’s true and if it is, it is the fault of their employer.

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I’m not hearing that compliant at all from family in the HC industry.

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