No Matter the Crisis, Real or Imaginary, ALWAYS the SAME ABSURD Solution!

That part we know.

It’s all about the sale.

Good. Stop

Expound, please.

Dude! The summer of 1980 was no joke! It was sweltering, and we didn’t have A/C at that time. I was 9 years old and had a permanent glaze on me that summer.


Was it sultry or a dry heat?

Anyhoo, here in Texas it was just more Texas IIRC.

I live in Kentucky, so it was also very high humidity. :hot_face:

That’s not how gaslighting works. Gaslighting involves at least one person lying. I’m not lying. Are you?

So why do they always end up having to force the citizenry to adhere to their utopian ideas, thereby becoming a dictatorship? The COVID thing perfectly illustrated the tactics of the left.


Well, one fellow said: “You can’t have a Socialist Government without it turning into a dictatorship.”

To which you replied: “This depends on what your definition of “socialist government” is. If your definition is a government led by a party that is pro-socialism, you totally can.”

Which was some nice shuck’n’jive for to merely be pro-socialism is NOT having socialism and says nothing about what the class and culture war predators will do if they ever get their precious boondoggle.

Who is “they”? The “they” who took over places like China, Russia, Cuba, etc… didn’t want an “economy that is a mix of private and public owned, but mostly private owned, and based on market forces, not planned” (the section you bolded). That’s what the mainstream American left supports.

The “they” that created dictatorships are mostly Marxist-Leninsts who support a fully state controlled and planned economy and who wanted to bring about such a thing via a revolution and the creation of a new government and state. This is different from Democratic Socialists (like AOC and Sanders) who believe in a slow democratic transition to socialism that reforms the current government instead of overthrowing it.

That’s cringe… good think I’m white.

Anyway… are you saying its not possible to have a pro-socialist party in power of a non-socialist government? If so I’ll point out that there are numerous communist parties in power out there and none of them are ruling over a communist government (state).

I don’t know what you’re saying regarding class and culture war predators. They’ve always exists, always will, and exist on all sides.

You mean like Seat belt laws, and mandating residential swimming pools have a fence built around it?

That kind of dictatorship?

It’s really simple. Under democratic socialism your side decides to raise income taxes to about 60% on all of us producers “for the greater good of all”, and we get pissed because we see all the leeches and understand that any form of socialism is basically parasitism. We start to revolt, and your side gets the government to take us out to enforce “the greater good for all” and establishes a bunch of new laws to force us to work when we don’t have the drive anymore.
The Scandinavian countries don’t have all the parasites that we do because I suspect their welfare and immigration laws have more teeth than ours.


Neither of those quadrupled the taxes to come of our my paycheck to support parasites. Apples and oranges.


This is completely unrelated to socialism. We’ve had income tax rates above 60% in the past and we weren’t socialist then.

And who is “us producers” and why are they separate from my “side”? You don’t think those who support the ultra-rich paying higher taxes produce anything? If so, you couldn’t be more wrong.

You’re mixing social safety nets with socialism.

Now you’re getting into fever dream territory.

establishes a bunch of new laws to force us to work when we don’t have the drive anymore

What happens now when someone doesn’t have the drive to work anymore? What happens if we end all the social safety nets?

There is a disgusting history when some humans call other humans, sub-human.

I call BS on your taxes quadrupled claim.

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Just admit the left wants to avoid work and make the rest of us pay for their ■■■■■ It’s really as simple as that.


Then there’s this:

It’s painfully obvious whoever at the Atlantic wrote this horse ■■■■ “op ed” has no ■■■■■■■ idea what they’re talking about and they are quite possibly a bigot with an anti-Judaeo Christian agenda.
Oh and without a doubt an ■■■■■■■■

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Sure sure
Horse ■■■■

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For the thread record, I didn’t say that, you’re using the quote function wrong.