No-fly lists based on vaccination status?

Why would you imagine that?

Right this moment, there are people in the hospital being cared for by the same people who were caring for them before there was a vax. All of them wearing full PPE. Many of them with natural immunity. All of them trained in preventing airborne pathogens. All of them have risked their lives for their patients this whole time.

Considering “big” pharma is regulated by goobermint standards and receives billions in grants and subsidies wouldn’t it be correct to consider the industry already “nationalized”?
Aside from the exorbitant salaries, profits and investor dividends associated with the art of capitalism, the pharmaceuticals are a gumbint entity doncha think?

Your niece is a hero, I admire her and am grateful for what she has done.

But I cannot for the life of me understand her rationale here, considering what she has seen.

I pray for her safety and hope she stays safe, but she is taking serious chances with her and her patients health. It doesn’t make sense and I am sorry if that sounds critical.

And, if they do get infected with Delta, they have less virus and it clears faster, which makes them less infectious to people around them. Nothing is fool proof but vaccines offer the safest path to normal.

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NO THEY DON"T. They carry the same viral load. It’s believed they can’t catch it as easily as the unvaccinated, but when they do, they can pass it on like anyone else. This info isn’t hard to find. Just go to the CDC website.


The viral load is lower and it dissipates faster than someone who is unvaccinated. This is not debatable.

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From what I have seen the viral load is the same. The dissipation faster is a theory.

The load was the rationale for changing the mask requirements for the vaccinated.


Ok genius.

Vaccinated people with “breakthrough” COVID-19 Delta infections carry as much virus as the unvaccinated: study - CBS News

Covid-19: Fully vaccinated people can carry as much delta virus as unvaccinated people, data indicate | The BMJ

Vaccine: Double jabbed carry same viral load of Covid as unvaccinated | Evening Standard

CDC report on COVID-19 rings alarm bells: Viral load same in vaccinated and unvaccinated people |

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The truth of the matter is the CDC is being reactive and chasing numbers.

They don’t know what to do.


Absolutely. They fully admit they don’t know certain things. It’s right on their site.

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CNN interview with Poxer

Why did you make this statement

Why call out “big pharma junkies”? Do you have something against big pharma?

I stand corrected, new data is quite compelling that viral loads are similar. It does wane faster in vaccinated people though.


I’ll buy that absence evidence to the contrary.

Truth is she knows what’s she’s doing, she understands it as most nurses that been on front lines of it. Most of them are younger and child baring age. Now that FDA came out with it’s approval might change that as long as they done studies on births etc. Don’t know.

Back when she caught covid she was tested positive for about a month but yet Evergreen hospital put her back on the job. Since then she traveled the country from one hot spot to next, Arizona, Fla and Texas for about 5 months.

She’s no longer at Evergreen, She’s now at hospital in Seattle, not only it’s a hospital it’s also a teaching center, I’m sure you know of it.

So to say she’s unfit…that’s about as stupid as my brother saying he doesn’t associate with people that’s not vaxed at 4th of July gathering in front of her causing her head to snap around to look at me. All I can say is I respect your decision. But my brother…her other uncle is an idiot.

Don’t be like my brother. :wink:


I was responding to Guntsu’s argument. I was giving my opinion on why those who are threatening the unvaccinated are doing so. Because the censored doctors and experts who are warning anout the downside of depending on these vaccines are resonating as genuine and truthful, in contrast to the impression the authoritarians are giving.

And the authoritarians can’t stand any competition.


You know I respect the hell out of her, but I don’t think her approach is safe for her, and that is what concerns me. Her safety. She is on the front lines, thus vulnerable to reinfection. This can hurt her, and hurt her patients, which I think would be devastating to her if it happened. She seems to care a lot about them.

I know about the Center, it’s a good one and I have been there a few times, both as a student and to teach.

As far as the unfit comment, you got me. That is taking it too far and I apologize, but I am very concerned about Nurses who aren’t getting vaccinated when MD’s and PA’s are vaccinated in the high 90 percent range. Many of whom are women in child bearing ages.

I have quite a few nurses here at my Hospital who I consider friends who refused to vaccinate until they were forced to by a Corporate Mandate. I am grateful for it because I don’t want to see my friends and coworkers ill.

There is something called the “Dunning Kruger” effect which takes place in medicine. Here is a chart…


When you first start to learn something, you get almost overconfident, it seems easy to understand and you feel like an expert. This is what happens to folks who have no medical background but think they know more than CDC experts, which also leads them to eat deworming meds meant for horses.

If you don’t have a background in peer reviewed microbiology or emerging pathogens, most of folks in medicine aren’t much beyond this, it just isn’t taught in Medical School, Nursing School or PA school. But as you gain competence, look at what happens to your confidence, it drops. That is because things are not so clear, not so simple when you start grasping the bigger picture.

It is only when you are highly experienced when you can reach that same level of confidence you had at the beginning, and even then it is less.

To me, it is important to know what you don’t know. Listen to experts, follow the science. And the science says that vaccinating is the best path forward, that there is no appreciable risk to women of child bearing years, that is does not affect fertility nor increase the rate of miscarriage.


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LSU just announced mandatory vaccination or negative covid test to go to games…

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I’m familiar with Dunning Kruger effect, we see it all the time in any culture/occupation etc. In lots of ways I would say the people running CDC was under that effect…and thus were totally unprepared for this pandemic.

As for vaccination I believe it’s best path forward myself…but in my mind I in life their is always unintended consequences. Until we know what those unintended consequences are we cannot make a informed decision. I took the vaccine because of my age, former smoker and tad bit overweight that comes with eating good food. I weighted those consequences before I’ve taken it. Remember my theory about eating tuna steaks. The benefits of omega 3 out weight slight traces of mercury…but someone that’s 30 benefit diminishes while the dangers of mercury built up increases. That’s the same theory here.

To say otherwise you may be running straight into Dunning Kruger effect yourself.

I hope that makes sense. :wink: