No-fly lists based on vaccination status?

Already answered, there is no reason I should need to type out a disclaimer every time for your comfort.


Sort of reminds me of the legalize pot crowd. I agree with them it should be legalized but they throw a fit if I don’t also pretend it won’t have a down side as well as an up side.


I’m done. I got the one shot J&J vaccine and I’m done. I will not be taking any other booster or vaccine for this blight. I’ve lived an absolute great life and have never struggled with money, shelter, or anything else. If this ends up taking me at some point, fine. But I’m not going to keep playing this game. I’m living my life.


No one Is ignoring that fact.


Of course they are, every time they point their fingers at the un vaxxed because they transmit while ignoring the vaxxed can also transmit.


Yet… it is repeated over and over without proper context in the game of “CHECKMATE LIBS!!!” because our world has become so stupid that vaccination is a political thing as to whether people should get a relatively cheap preventative treatment for a virus that has caused a pandemic and has killed hundreds of thousands of people in this country alone over the past year.

it is quite silly


Is disinformation.

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Choose potential death over taking 15 minutes out your day to go to the local CVS and get a shot.

Makes sense to me.

At a much lower rate than the unvaccinated.

Being vaxxed is better than being unvaxxed.

That is an irrefutable statement.


Again, sorry you don’t like facts mentioned if it doesn’t make the vaccine perfect, that would be a you problem as opposed to a me problem.

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I have never said that the vaccine is perfect.

it is better than the alternative.

Which is no vaccine.

And? When did I say otherwise? I am vaxxed, the wife, my parents, my adult children, all vaxxed.

Why is that data point important? What are you trying to convey by stating “vaccinated people can spread Covid”?

Yet you get mad when it is mentioned the vaxxed can also transmit., like I said, that’s your problem, not mine.

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Then there is literally no point in mentioning “vaxx people can spread Covid”

That statement, without context, is just anti vax propaganda.

Because some people pretend it can’t happen, which can lead to bad outcomes.


I am not mad.

Mention it all you want. No one can stop you.

I will continue to add the additional information to provide context when it does happen.

No, it’s just a simple fact.

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It is better outcomes than the alternative.

Which is no vaccine.