No-excuse mail-in voting makes election fraud as easy as pie and invites one-party rule

Sorry - I’m not going to play these “gotcha” games.

I’m not attempting, or am I, playing a “gotcha” game. If you read the OP, you will understand what my motive is . . . i.e.:

If this no-excuse mail-in voting is not stopped in its tracks, and reversed, America’s way for peaceful change through free and fair elections will have been sabotaged and conquered by those types who now govern in other countries with an iron fist and the barrel of a gun, i.e., in Cuba, China, Russia, etc., where there is one-party authoritarian rule!

It has long been known that mail-in ballots, especially no-excuse mail in voting, flings open the door for vote-fraud. See: The real vote-fraud opportunity has arrived: casting your ballot by mail

Sept. 25, 2012

From the article:

More susceptible to fraud

“Election fraud is rare, but it usually involves absentee or mail ballots, said Paul Gronke, a Reed College political scientist, who directs the Early Voting Information Center in Oregon. He cites what he calls a classic example of election fraud, a local official stealing votes by filling out absentee ballots. That was the case in Lincoln County, W.Va., where the sheriff and clerk pleaded guilty to distributing absentee ballots to unqualified voters and helping mark them during a 2010 Democratic primary”.

And let us not forget the following 2023 story where mail-in ballots were used to engage in election fraud: CT state leaders complicit in Bridgeport absentee ballot scandal

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That’s an opinion piece, and as the saying goes, everyone’s got one.

It means nothing.

And the opinion of the Judge, based on evidence, has resulted in a new election!

There’s been several controversial elections out there since then.

And that’s a fact, e.g.,

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Let me guess. Only when your side loses lol.


Republican Attorney General there. How many crimes has she been charged with and is she in prison?

Proof provided.

Thanks john.

Lol :sweat_smile:

And here is one you will appreciate:

From the article:

Bruce Bartman, 70, pleaded guilty to felony counts of perjury and unlawful voting last December after investigators discovered he had successfully cast a mail-in ballot for his mother, who died 12 years ago.

The fact is mail-in voting allows for all kinds of creative vote stealing.

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Yeah I know about that one john. He’s an idiot, he thought he could commit fraud and get away with it and he ended up in the sorry find out phase.

Yes he got caught.

Now, the only question is, how many Bruces and Wandas haven’t got caught?

Aside from that, ending no-excuse mail-in voting would drastically cut down, and to a trickle, vote fraud carried out using mail-in ballots.

I disagree.

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…to maintain the integrity of our election process.

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I just keep her on ignore myself.

Nothing worth reading from that source imo.

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Well, LucyLou, I can certainly understand one logical reason why someone who embraces mail-in voting, which has shown to open the door for various kinds of vote fraud and election rigging, would disagree that ending no-excuse mail-in voting would drastically cut down vote fraud carried out using mail-in ballots. And their motive would certainly not be working to end vote fraud and election rigging.

Of course, maybe you, LucyLou, have figured out a practical way to confirm, when counting no-excuse mail-in ballots, that the one who filled out a mailed-in ballot and made the choices thereon and sent it in, is the qualified and legitimate voter to whom that ballot was supposedly supplied. If that is the case, LucyLou, and you have figured out how to scrutinize and confirm the legitimacy of a mail-in ballot when counting these votes, please share with us the solution to that unsolved problem, which would go a long way in substantiating what your motive is for disagreeing.


The troubling truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

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Woah woah woah… you need ID verification to vote mail-in? Isn’t that racist and oppressive?

I thought having people to show proper ID was a tactic to discourage people from voting? And it targeted minorities…

I wouldn’t know about all that. All I know is that’s the way we do it in our state, and it is a policy I agree with.

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Well, this is not surprising, but very interesting:

‘Thousands of mail ballots not counted’: PA gov fixing issue that disenfranchised 17K voters

Additionally see:

Also see:

From the above article:

"Rejected mail ballots make up a small percentage of votes — only about 3% of the 597,000 total mail ballots cast in the 2023 primary — but mean that thousands of citizens’ choices aren’t counted due to small errors. And small numbers of votes have decided the outcome of several Pennsylvania elections in recent years. "

Of course, there are no changes to be made which would confirm, when counting no-excuse mail-in ballots, that the one who filled out a mailed-in ballot and made the choices thereon and sent it in, is the qualified and legitimate voter, to whom that ballot was supposedly supplied.

And this is the Achilles’ heel with mail-in ballots. As reported in the 2005 Carter-Baker bipartisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, “absentee ballots” (i.e. mail-in ballots) remain the largest source of potential voter fraud”.


The scary truth about allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.