No-excuse mail-in voting makes election fraud as easy as pie and invites one-party rule

See john, you get to vote, you don’t always get to win. The overwrought “removing oppressors” is someone else’s peaceful victory at the ballot box.

You know this.


Shameful, or true?

Wanda Geter-Pataky takes the Fifth in Bridgeport election lawsuit

Shameful. And stupid. Because you’ll get caught.

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Only the stupid ones like low I.Q. Wanda are prone to getting caught.

Wow an article about “estimates” and “statistics”. Bascially my guy lost so the actual counts can’t be correct.


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You are just a slacker.

(Pun intended.)



I will rephrase.

The omission of Utah from the list above seems to indicate that Utah does not make an “attempt to verify a voter of a mailed in ballot”. Is this correct?

That’s the reason Trump and 18 of his cohorts are under indictment right now in GA. You can’t make up crap like this and expect to get away with it forever. I’m thankful we have officials in GA who actually do believe in following the rule of law. I will say Sydney Powell got off fairly easy, but she did have to admit the truth and if that helps seal the deal on those who don’t decide to admit to the truth, then it may very well be worth it.


Why “must” they?

Why ask me that question? It has nothing to do with what I posted, and you quoted.


The troubling truth with allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

Yeah, I know why you’re not answering the question. It’s okay.

To my fellow forumites, it appears that John saw the trap being laid, and is engaging in the typical conservative shuck and jive (i.e. playing dumb) rather than actually engage. Because he, like the rest of us, knows that this is a manufactured issue.


I see you are convicting people before they have even had a trial. Why do we even need a trial when we have people like you who decide that people are guilty before the trial even starts.
Because of people like you I no longer believe that a conservative can receive a fair trial in a district that votes 90% or more for the democrats.

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Trap? Your question would require me to research Utah’s election process. I’m only interested in Utah not making any attempt to scrutinize each mailed in ballot to see if the choices made thereon, were actually filled in and made by the person issued the ballot. The list I posted, to the best of my knowledge, are the only states who actually make an attempt to do so.

Your swelled head is getting the best of you.


And now, after his public shaming, John finally answers the question he could have just answered when first asked. Again the typical conservative shuck and jive; the tell is the stupid memes.

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And now you are making ■■■■ up. I responded to your rephrased question, if Utah makes an “attempt to verify a voter of a mailed in ballot”, but have still not answered that particular question because I would have to research the answer. Stop making ■■■■ up. It’s a shameful act.

. . .

I get the impression from your posts that former President Trump lives rent free in your mind. You may want to seek professional help to correct the ailment.

But, getting back to the subject of the thread, please explain, if you can, how each counted mailed-in ballot is scrutinized to verify that it was actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by a qualified voter who allegedly was issued the ballot.



The troubling truth with allowing no-excuse mail-in voting in one state is, when acts of corruption infect an electoral process in one jurisdiction “they transcend mere local concern and extend a contaminating influence into the national domain.” Justice DOUGLAS in United States v. Classic (1941)”.

Umm - I can’t convict anyone. I’m not a judge or prosecutor. But thanks for playing!

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I can only tell you how it works in GA as that is the state of my residence. Each request for an absentee ballot must be signed by the voter here before the ballot is even issued. Additionally the number for the driver license or state id must be on the request for the ballot. That is done be done before the ballot is even issued. The signature is then verified with the original signature on file for the voter.

Then when the ballot is returned, the voter must sign the envelope. The signature is then verified again with the original signature on file.

So, as you can see there are 2 points of signature verification in addition to the license or state id number being verified.


You’re probably not even a juror! :smile:

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But there is no “point” during the counting of mailed-in ballots when they are scrutinized to verify that each ballot was actually filled out, and the choices made thereon, were by a qualified voter who allegedly was issued the ballot. Is that correct?


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