No Bribery? Articles of Impeachment Drafted

Their revenge would be swift and terrible.

Not even what they were frothing about, but hey, they’re finally ready now that we’re within a year of the election. :rofl:


When this reaches the senate, the GOP senators can go on record as to whether they will demand the truth from those who can exonerate him or support continuing to let them hide.

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Excellent post. This is pretty much the way I see things moving forward.


Just a process crime.

And when Trump gets re-elected, what then?



I’m really interested in seeing how this part plays out here.

Sadly, there is no way the GOP Senate will allow any White House cabinet member or Giuliani to testify. They know that either they will tell the truth which would be devastating to Trump, or they would lie under oath- a criminal act. And as Nebraska said, its pretty odd because these witnesses could supposedly exonerate Trump.


I agree… The impact on the GOP will be in how the DNC plays this…

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Just made impeachment part of the election process for 2020 and beyond.

Not what the Constitution was founded on.

Is what immigrants want who are not interested in said Constitution.

Remember this?

I am sure Speaker Pelosi does. Not afraid and not interested in laws.


One other option, which is the most likely in my opinion if they were to testify, they would claim the 5th or they would claim Executive Privilege, which to average Americans would look suspicious, especially given that Trump has commented he did nothing wrong and these folks would presumably exonerate him. It is because of the possibility they would not answer questions, that they will not be called, in my opinion.

Yes that is a possibility but I don’t think McConnell would call them up just to take the 5th and make the Trump enterprise look even more guilty.

Unless, Collins, Romney and Murkowski stand united to demand White House cabinet members as witnesses, I really doubt it will happen. And I’m pretty certain those three will not push that hard.

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What relevance does this have to do with the impeachment?

Yet another impeachment.


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Oh, impeach him for getting re-elected? How leftist of you. :rofl:

Establishes intent by Pelosi to impeach at all costs.

She was pushed by the mob to react against the Constitution.

She really should step aside as speaker.


No for yet another abuse of power.
it’s just a matter of time for this king called trump.


She step aside in 2023 as she has said.


Only if you keep the house and enough votes to matter.

50-50 is how it looks for now.


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I believe it’s only the third time in our history.