No Bribery? Articles of Impeachment Drafted

The charges are weak weak weak and the public sees right through it.

There is no DNC server, with all of the answers to exonerate Russia, in Ukraine.

There is no DNC server, with all of the answers to exonerate Russia, in Ukraine.

There is no DNC server, with all of the answers to exonerate Russia, in Ukraine.

I bet Always-Trumper will respond to your thoughtful post with a “so what?”, “you still haven’t shown us he did anything wrong” or some silly meme.

No it isn’t…

What if Obama held up aid to Israel in order to get Netanyahu to announce an investigation into Donald Trump during the 2016 election?

Would you say Obama was abusing his power for political gain?

What if he did the same thing in 2012 to Romney?

Would you say he was abusing his power for personal political gain?

Historically this impeachment carries the best evidence of obvious overwhelming malfeasance. If the democrats did not impeach, they would tacitly allow a president to pressure foreign governments to interfere with US elections to investigate political enemies. That cannot stand- not just for democrats or republicans- but for the fabric of our nation. This is a marker for future generations with a clear delineation of right and wrong.


Great post. :clap:


You think that will be the end result of this insanity?


Remember when terms like “usurper” and “antichrist” were bandied about to whip the faithful into a frenzy?

Pepperidge Farm remembers. Can’t imagine how they’d shriek if Obama had withheld aid to Israel until they helped find some dirt on Romney.


Or we could just recall the shrieking about Obama not going to war with Russia over the annexation of Crimea.


Do you understand that “Russia did it!” is an estimate, not a fact?

this is just simply not true. no aid was tied to doing any investigation or pending any demands. this is a narrative based on the timing. there is no proof

im glad you realize at least that it is not impeachable

but i understand theres an election to overturn. and “he’s racist”, probably huh?

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No, I will wait until someone actually shows where all these things were debunked, instead of just saying debunked.
But keep using the debunked claim that Trump did anything worth being impeached over.

This post is completely inaccurate. The Mueller report laid out the overwhelming evidence proving these facts. Not estimates, facts.

That’s kind of what the obstruction is about…

Was Trump Bush’s VP prior to Obama’s presidency?

They don’t understand that the Ukraine interfered and has interfered in our elections too.


they of course play the same tired game.

“everything’s been answered/debunked” but they never point to where

The quid Pro Quo has been debunked.

That is fun to say.


This Presidency has been debunked.