NJ Governor Holding First Responders Hostage

Libs states?

Any State. Let a bunch of them go bankrupt.

It will certainly light a fire to get the economy going again.

It won’t effect the economy that much. Business will still run their business etc…just that “some” states will have to cut payroll and other expanses…which will have small effect on state economy.

Let their people go back to work and the tax revenue will come back.

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Just another example of government breaking someone’s legs, then giving him crutches and saying, “See? Without our help, you wouldn’t be able to walk!”

And libs are complaining about politicizing the pandemic. :roll_eyes:


Making more people jobless in a recession is a sure fire way to get the economy rolling again.

It will drive wages down to the level that the GOP supporters want.


No, money must go to Airline CEOs and Hertz parking lots. Fed and sheltered commoners does nothing to please the capitalism Gods.

And Planned Parenthood and the ■■■■■■■ Kennedy Center for Performing Arts,

Not you, not me. We aren’t allowed.

Beaches in my area were open this weekend. Folks were pretty responsible as well as the restaurants. Good for them.

People came from all over because their beaches or states were locked down.

People need to pick up and move out of these states that hold them hostage like this.

Leave the folks who blindly follow orders behind.

Maybe states like mine will get more delegates as a result. :+1:

What the hell are you talking about?

That’s kind of a low bar.

That’s a good thing.

Rip off the band-aid.

It happens. Winners and losers emerge.

You quoted me, guy. Follow along.

That’s a good argument for no benefits at all.

Sink or swim.

Feed your family or… “I’m not going to work for less than”…

That’s the difference between a lot of people on this board.

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Still on that… so weird.

There are a Million Millions in One Trillion.

Complaining that the Kennedy Center got 25 out of two Million Millions is a little silly.

Kind of misses the big picture.

Yup. Katrina/New Orleans was a great example of that.

Having a bunch of States declare bankruptcy as we are staring down the barrel of a for real Depression will 100% prevent that Depression from happening.