Next Time - Immediate Action Drill

And what do you propose to do with people who refuse to comply?

We’re not asking.

I am enjoying watching you create your big government fantasy.

So much for faith in tfree markets solutions!

What an intelligent post.

With this degree of alignment between us, I think I had better go check k my temperature.

I enjoy you missing all the fun. :wink:

You can’t do it without a National Disaster being declared.

The problem we have is that all the naysayers are demanding we should have acted much more aggressively which would have required such a declaration before there was any justification for doing so at all.

What we could have, and should have done and will need to do next time something like this breaks out is to immediately cut off all non essential travel from all affected countries and immediately using manifests track and trace everyone from those countries that has entered the US in the last 30 days.

This has to start with the state and local health departments though because the fed’s have no jurisdiction in the states absent a disaster declaration so we need to make those manifests accessible to the state health authorities.

There is no “free market” solution for a pandemic. Never has been.

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But the “free market” is supposed to solve everything, because government is incapable of effective action.

Trump didn’t do enough. Obviously he should have done more… taken more extreme measures. What’s wrong with this approach?

A democrat VA congressman fantasized about sending out the National Guard to enforce their gun control measures. Not a peep from anyone on the left about that. Why the uproar about this plan?

Everyone needs to submit.

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Hell Yes…I think you are right on with this. I think the broad plan should be to look at regional shut downs and then to turn important functions to other regions.

But honestly Sneaky…you are right on with this. Very common sense

New Orleans should not have even been a blip if they had been smart and not held MardI Gras this year. That was just dumb.

It’s not even an outbreak…it was an anomaly at best.

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I think you are starting to see that it is. As early as February 24th, I with the information gathered here and information gathered from other places, started looking at how my work place/ Long term care home care for people with intellectual disabilities…could be more prepared. My boss and fellow directors laughed it off…we don’t need to do this. Well, our office has been closed for two weeks now…and one of those fellow directors had COVID 19, because she did not take the social distancing seriously enough.

Our agency response was severely blunted due to the fact that our leadership was being guided by the presidents narrative that we have very little to worry about. It is a shame. I am the only person on staff with public health back ground, and I was ignored over political ideology.

Not according to anyone who understands Free Market Economics.

BS, nobody was taking the POTUS’ “keep calm” speeches as a national directive.

If your “leadership” was they all deserve to be fired.

They would be bound by law to follow the directives of the CDC and your state/local health authorities.

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By your definition, most Republicans don’t understand Free Market Economics. I think we can agree on that.

Yeah…well I would like to see that happen with my leadership…However at the time in the end of February there was not a lot in the way of orders going on if you remember. We are now following all of Indiana’s governmental orders. It would have been nice to have had three weeks lead time to get our selves supplied and ready. But we did not get that opportunity…I am however going to work this into a new job opportunity for myself. I want to keep my job title and develop a new role with more money of course as the risk management or risk control director. I want to answer only to our CEO and no one else.

Not regional, at least at first. Just major population centers.

If “if” was a fifth, we’d all be drunk.

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