Newt Gingrich: GOP should use Molly Tibbetts murder as issue during midterms

Again…just keep making your point on the death of Mollie Tibbetts. It’s almost as if you are saying Thank God she died so we can win this battle…we can make Democrats look like rats. Congressional Democrats are rats…so are the republicans who want to wage this war on her name…NOT IN HER HONOR…

Yup, only the Democrats can get away with this type of dirty politics,

You see Newt and Trumpists thinking of Tibbett’s death as a political opportunity.

How many times after a school shooting do we here about the 2nd amendment and the need for gun control in America? Before the bodies are taken away headlines stream across the mainstream media and politicians pouncing on gun control.

Remember the name David Hogg? What is the difference between politicians playing on one side but not the other? Obama “Travon Martin could have been my son”, it’s all politics and both parties are guilty of it.

@Konssurvative1, my sincere condolences to you and your family on the loss of your dad during this most difficult time.

dims want to have a monopoly on victimhood and you just passed Go and collected $200.

Thanks Lulu…I just know how hard it has been for me…and I am a strong SOB…but I get tired of every day giving you that look…how are you doing. I can’t imagine the Tibbetts Family dealing with this on a daily basis. Just ridiculous. No heart with NOOOOOOOOT…No consideration for their feelings…It is that total win at all costs mentality that is taking this country down.

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Maybe you’re right and Republicans should focus on all of the other deaths caused by illegal immigrants and not mention “some white girl in Iowa.”

Fake cons and their war on truth and decency. They’re winning, too. You’re winning

We all grieve in our own ways. Some people don’t want to be asked but some do so they can talk about their loved one. It’s hard to know from the outside what is right for someone.

TBS, what they are doing to this poor family is unconscionable - especially since they’ve asked for it to stop.

And exactly what has this to do with the Newt? Ms. Tibbetts family requested NOT to make this a political issue.

I suppose this request will go by the wayside just like Seth Rich’s family request.

It’s also the circumstances, which conveniently get overlooked in these “what about” discussions. I don’t want to speak for President Obama, but I’m guessing as a black man he’s possibly had some moments with policemen that a white man wouldn’t have had to worry about. People should try looking beyond words for a change.

I agree. Death should not be politicized. Its especially egregious when it against the wishes of the family.

Look a little deeper. That’s not it at all.

That’s cold, man. Very.

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Is that supposed to make me feel guilty about something? Swing and a miss.

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Statistically speaking, in the aggregate, they are better at not committing crimes. That really can’t be disputed.

Lost my dad the beginning of this summer. He was 64. I feel your pain brother.

Sorry you lost you dad at a young age. Stay strong. I’m with you!

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