Newt Gingrich: GOP should use Molly Tibbetts murder as issue during midterms

Oh, of course, Newt. Never mind the family has said not to. Never mind the Seth Rich conspiracy thing work out so badly. But let’s see if the GOP (Grand Ol’ Pleas) party slimes their way through the elections with this as an issue.

Today’s GOP … nothing is too low.

Newt Gingrich is one of the most despicable human beings on the planet. It’s small wonder he’s a full throated Trumper.

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Libs and their war on women.

Classy, Newt.

Cons and their war on women.

Why is that only reserved for libs?

Why is that only reserved for cons?

Yeah, no one used La David Johnson’s widow against trump, or the deaths of trayvon martin, michael brown, freddie gray or Eric Garner as an issue in elections.


This young woman’s family thinks her death should not be used as a political tool. Just like Chris Stevens family didn’t want it.

When it comes to the dirtbags and cretins and ■■■■■■■■ and twatwaffles who’ve turned our politics to toxic sludge over the last 25 years or so, Noot–a creepy, lying, amoral, philandering cad–is way, way, way up there on the list.

Also, he specializes in just this kind of garbage messaging. Who can forget his pitch back during the 1994 campaign, after Susan Smith killed her kids: “I think the mother killing her two children in South Carolina vividly reminds every American how sick society is getting and how much we have to have change. I think people want to change, and the only way you can get change is to vote Republican.” Denny Hastert agreed, no doubt.


See also Rich, Seth.

Nothing the R’s can do now is going to change a damn thing. They are toast.

Gingrich defender of women!

"Gingrich married his second wife, Marianne Ginther, months after he divorced Battley in 1981. According to Battley, Gingrich discussed divorce terms with her while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery.

“There are things in my own life that I have gotten on my knees and turned to God and prayed about,” Gingrich said."

Hey at least he prayed about it!

Well also, you need to remember that Newt’s britches kept falling down because he worked so hard for the country he loved so much.

All the while he was defending family values against that lecherous President Clinton.

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Yes, dems are for open borders ans don’t care when Americans are victims of crime committed by illegals or anyone else for that matter. Except for made up crimes about Trump…

It is all part of the anarchist, socialist, communist agenda! :crazy_face:

Ever notice dems will tell you illegals are better than real Americans…

And of course Newt is an absolute prince couching Tibbet’s death in terms of how it can be used by the GOP to save their midterms.

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Touche…Pronounced TWO CHEE! wow…forgot about Denny…Good call!