Newt Gingrich: GOP should use Molly Tibbetts murder as issue during midterms

How else are we going to let people know the dems are the cause of open borders and the death of Americans by criminal aliens…

Just say “Newt is cool” and be on your way.

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Dems also ignore the genocide of blacks by planned parent hood, and high crime in many of their cities due to lack of School union accountability because they want the votes…

Now, shout racism and be on your way…

Trump is Cool

That is not what this thread is about. How do you not see this. My dad died two weeks ago as an example…After a week I got tired of people asking me how I was doing…>HOW DO YOU THINK I WAS DOING. Imagine how Mollie’s family is going to feel if NOOOOOOOOOT gets his way and her name is on the news being politicized every night. How do they get closure, how do they start to move on when her murder is on the permanent 24 news cycle until early NOVEMBER. Anyone who wants this is a bit of a ghoul in my opinion. Man…I just want to try to move on, remember my dad for who he was and what he meant to me…I don’t want to rehash his death or tell people I’m doing ok when I am not. It’s just wrong. NOOOOOOOOOT needs to stop.


If that’s how you see it, you don’t get the problem at all.

I don’t like that type of politics. Why should anyone need to bring up this one murder to convince people of the merits of their policies or political agenda?

It’s inappropriate to cite a specific murdered woman to make a point, especially when the family of the victim has not been consulted first, and has not consented with their approval.


Fox and conservatives are tunneling Tibbetts as an illegal immigration issue when in fact the crime rate among them is much less than the regular population. As for the others, I’m sure you know why people protested those deaths. If not, Google it.

It will help to prevent illegals from murdering other nice young women… Have you seen her pictures and the dirt bag that killed her…

Dems don’t care. They would rather have the votes…

Lost cause.

That’s silly because just coming over the border is a crime, so they are all criminals.

See how dems actually believe illegals are superior to Americans… That’s how brain washed they are…

That point is irrelevant, since the illegal aliens should not be residing in the US in the first place.

So how big an issue is this? Actually, in the scheme of things, it’s not. But Fox and conservatives are doing this strictly for show. You guys don’t really care about the girl. You only care that it involves an immigrant.

It’s the dems who don’t care… Obviously, or they wouldn’t support sanc cities…

No, it will just be a way for republicans to win seats, which is all you care about. Damned Mollie and damned what her family thinks.

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I see libs thinking Tibbetts an Steinle deaths as acceptable collateral.

Funny to see you guys all law and ordorish for a change.

I am sad for you…That you actually think like this. You don’t care…it isn’t about Dems and it isn’t about her. It is about immigration and you cannot use her death as an election talking point. Find another way to make your damn point Republicans.


Actually, the fact Dems DO care is why they support sanc cities. You do know churches provide sanctuary, right?

They are touted as being better parents, nicer people, more industrious, more entrepreneurial and if you let these fools speak long enough they are more fertile too, as Jeb Bush said.

Obviously, if they were all that, the ■■■■■■■■ countries they come from would be held up like shining examples of economic success, freedom, happiness, etc…

Not only is doing this morally offensive I think its a bad strategy that can blow up in the GOPs faces.