New Zealand: "Our gun laws will change." Why them and not us?

This society is NOT civilized. You are the victim of propaganda.

There are more savages today than in 1890.

36 minutes.

I’m not scared of anything, why would I be? I have a gun.

Well, clowns.

And women with big hands.

Clowns ARE freaky.

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Some people have lights. On their guns.

36 minutes.

So work arounds. Since he was radicalized on the internet, we’re going to need to work around the 1st as well.

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You don’t get to violate my rights with “Who knows?”

The central and state governments. You are advocating more.

That is a very ignorant post. Current infringements do not justify more infringements - that is a very governmental argument. And what slid us from probable cause to reasonable suspicion (for example).

The last completely ignores history.

You mean like the history of the Japanese/American internment camps, yep the 2nd really worked when it was needed… Oh wait.

Freedom is scary.

How free are the 50 people who were killed in Las Vegas?
How free are the 20 kids killed in Sandy Hook?
How free are the 30-some people killed in Orlando?

I hate clowns!

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When are we going to have to fight for our freedoms? Are you wary of our military to defend us?

I see that faux patriotism is rearing it ugly head again. “Don’t like my country, get out.” Reminds me of the time during the Iraq War. Don’t support the war? Get out of my country!

If the government is allowed to regulate gun ownership. A crazy man like Trump could certainly regulate…oh let’s say religion? Muslims can’t have mosques in cities. Only in areas where no city or town of 10,000 or more is within a ten-mile radius.

Its to protect them from people like this guy in New Zealand.

See rights and the ability to take or restrict are a slippery slope.

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What specific freedom(s) are you currently denied and seeking that has been allowed for others in our past?

Freedom is from

Liberty is to

Do you understand the difference? Because we have to start there.

That’s a typical weekend in Chicago and Baltimore.

What specific freedom(s) are you currently denied and seeking that has been allowed for others in our past? You stated we have less freedom. I’m interested in specifics. Not platitudes.

They are definitions, not platitudes. You didn’t answer the question. Freedom and liberty are not the same thing. They are not synonyms despite the dictionaries - not in this context.

Are there more or less laws and regulations now than ever before?

I see you refuse to answer very simple, direct questions in furtherance of a discussion. It’s a waste of time apparently.

And tells me you don’t actually know what freedoms you currently want to have that were had in the past, but are now prevented.

Either that or you’re embarrassed by the freedoms you wish you still posses from a yesteryear. I wonder which it is? :thinking: