New York Times Subscription: Money Where My Mouth Is

I new some intrepid Trump bot would go ballistic when I posted that term. It got to you. BIGLY!

It got to libs, dude. I’m just trying to keep you from being attacked by Antifa.

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10 char

Name some names.

“A fool and his money are soon parted…”

Thanks for reminding me of that old saw. Next time I run into a Trump follower I will whip that out and use it on them.


If you need to be told you must have been living under a rock in 2016.


That is my name.

Woo Hoo!

I never claimed Hillary would win.

Yeah, right.

And are you going to deny that countless people did too?

I had to decide between the NYT and washington post. I chose the post.

Yes[quote=“Samm, post:51, topic:10026, full:true”]

Yeah, right.

And are you going to deny that countless people did too?

Yes right. I never claimed she was a “shoe in” to win or even that I thought she would. I certainly hoped she would win. I even voted for her. But I knew she would not win.

In fact I was amazed she won the popular vote.

Still, if anyone of any import was saying she was a “shoe in” I didn’t here it.

I’ve heard of name dropping and seen car/vacation/location dropping, but never newspaper subscription dropping.

Now I have.


Oh and lol at people pretending that the whole ‘no path to the presidency’ wasn’t a thing.

Image result for if you see someone drowning lol


By leftist logic, your subscription is endorsement of the hate-filled, racist views of Sarah Jeong, who was recently added to the paper’s editorial policy board.

For example here is one of the few examples of her racist tweets that do not violate standards of this forum. Can you imagine the outrage if another ethnic or racial category had been substituted for “whiteness”?


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I don’t live by any of this so called “leftist logic”. :hugs:

Sorry, I don’t waste my time worrying about such things.

I don’t know who Sarah Jeong is much less do I own any of her opinions.

That seems to be misconstrued Rightest thinking.

I don’t see how you can subscribe to the Times if you applaud the firing of comedian Roseanne Barr.

Sarah Jeong is on the editorial board of the New York Times. She is therefore part of the management in charge of the policies of the paper, not just a contributor.

If you want to see her opinions on men and white people search “Sarah Jeong twitter”.