New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo: America was never that great

I am fervently hoping he loses a primary. And I’ll take him over Cuomo.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure that the CA homeless issue has nothing whatsoever to do with the sky-high housing costs here. Which, of course, are a direct result of the sky-high demand.

Like I said, run with it, put it on posters, take out full page ads.

A position not unlike a lot of Trump supporters who aren’t die hards. You want him to lose in the GOP primary, but if it’s a choice between him and a Democratic candidate you’ll still vote for him.

Not a Democratic candidate, specific ones, inclusive of Cuomo and the likely one, Warren.

Is there anyone you’d like to see challenge Donald in a GOP primary?

Just about anyone who can beat him would be acceptable. Even Kasich and I don’t like him much at all.

Nobody I would really like could win, I am not kidding myself that I am in the mainstream.

Realizing potential is what Trump does best. No argument there.

If it really is a choice between Warren and Cuomo for the D…

They need Cuomo to win.

I think it’s Warrens to lose at this point. At least, that’s where the money seems to be going.

I listened to it. He was going on about women.

She lacks the energy and charisma to sway enough support to even win the D primary.

If she does face Trump, he will win.

Don’t forget Michele.

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On a purely speculative basis it would be interesting to see whether Trumpists would turn out for the general election in 2020 if Donald were deposed in a GOP primary. That’s a not insignificant percentage of the right’s voting bloc.

Good post.

Thankfully she’s ancient history at this point.






He’s self-identifying, bigot. Respect his choices and check your communist privilege.


I won’t, but I’d rather have that fool than what he’ll be running against from the dems.