New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo: America was never that great


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He won’t. He’s waiting for 2024.

I live in NY and my husband works for him in a “serve at his pleasure” position. He is not a progressive. He’s an old school NY liberal Democrat.

I know. Or impeachment.

Cuomo vs Trump would be a ■■■■■■■■ worth watching.

Oh I am pretty sure that absent Trump acting graciously and telling his supporters to support someone who beat him in the primary, which lets face it, fat chance, that winner is toast in the general because they won’t show up, enough of them to cost the election at any rate.

He is telling libs what they want to hear…so he can keep his white man privilege. :wink:

He’s setting up Pocahontas.

Perhaps. Which says a lot more about Trump and his cult than it does about anything else. Considering how something like this could end the Presidential chances of one man, whereas the litany of colossal screw ups from Trump barely have his devotees batting an eye. I guess you’re saying Democrats have higher standards than Trumpists.

Entirely founded on your unproven assumption Trump could have won with ads playing of him saying America was never great. Not getting impeached is a higher hurdle than not getting elected.

Not sure…I think Cuomo is chasing his father dream of being pres.

Trump won with tons and tons of worse things than an ad of him saying America is not yet great. :rofl:

Did he? I can’t really think of a more disqualifying statement for the job.

Huh? Did you miss what I posted which follows?


See: Andrew Cuomo, Apostle of Progressivism

January 5, 2018

”New York’s governor characterizes success as a list of new laws and programs, regardless of their results.”

One clear message from New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s State of the State address earlier this week is that the Democratic governor wants everyone to consider him a “progressive.” Cuomo used the term 14 times in his address to describe his policies and the political character of the state under his leadership."


The liberty to fail or succeed at one’s own hand is a PROGRESSIVE`S nightmare and not the American Dream

He’s not a progressive

Yes, New York is a progressive state and policies and laws enacted are progressive, unlike those enacted in the backward Red States which are regressive.

That does not make Cuomo a progressive.

I’d throw 1865 in too…with malice towards none…


every presidential election day, not just the last one.


It’s not his turn. The whole speech was about women.

What is he?