New Trump rule would weaken Obama methane pollution standards

Only YOU have mentioned CO2 in this thread, pathetic and desperate.

No. Many other things do.

But you guys are like the Tobacco Companies and just can’t quite figure out that a ton of stuff causes a ton of health problems. Someone in your family (past or present) was probably affected.

Wait. I take back the part about big Tobacco not being able to figure it out. They positioned people on purpose (killing many) and swore there was no problem (when they all knew there was).

Lots of methane is caused by libs eating too much fiber…

Did your family have any business interests in tobacco?

Your ignorance is frightening. And this discussion extends to the breadth of regulatory changes, but just for you:

The picture you showed has nothing to do with methane and there’s a reason your article does not give the percent of total smog that is caused from methane.

Around here most of the smog we get is caused by forest fires…

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Keep moving goal posts and also pretend that Trump has not rolled back other regs, carry that water!

Inter glacial warming periods and science is fun…

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This is from the “acceptable science community”? Hard to keep track of you conspiracy whackos!

The source is at the top of the graph…NOAA

Exactly, NOAA data is only valid when used to support your opinion.

It’s just the real science known for decades… CO2 and temps have been higher with no humans around.

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no. have you ever known anyone that died from lung cancer? or any other cancer where they don’t know what causes it? because at one point we didn’t know that tobacco was gonna kill a crap ton of people. like, you know, upwards of a billion people. surely you know a couple.

John Wayne

Anyone who thinks you can inhale that stuff and not have long term effects is retarded. And as an ex smoker, I know.

You guys are funny. Figured out how to stop cow farts yet? :rofl:

People knew it was unhealthy. But I’m not sure if they really grasped just how bad it is for you.

I’m struggling to quit. It’s the one thing I haven’t been able to kick.

Particle masks do nothing against organic vapors.

They will make your boogers cleaner.

You’re whacking at straw men.

That’s not the argument being made.

Go sit down.

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So is marijuana…