New Lunacy from Virginia

Not really. But since it will never come up to a vote -I dont care.
Again -Its to send a message. And I like that the message. So I support him making a point to tell the NRA that times have changed.
Dan Helmer, and other VA Dems, did not run away from the NRA. They campaigned on passing gun laws and to stand up to the NRA. And guess what?
They won.
Get over it.

The NRA keeps making statements like they still have power in the state. They dont.

And where did I “decry” any bill on anything? You are making assumptions?
Personally- I love when those on the right over-reach on PP. It always works out for pro-choice group.

Pro-life people start making major gains -I get worried - then some state passes a over-reaching bill on Abortion that pretty much ALWAYS gets struck down - and the courts end up protecting abortion even more.

No - to anticipate you next question - I worry a little bit about Dems over reaching on gun control. There was one bill introduced last year that was over-reaching (Assault weapon ban with no grandfather clause) and the result was the Gun rights group starting pushing back. I didn’t support that bill and was concerned. I was glad when the Gov withdraw his support for it.

But this bill? Well -Like i said -Its not a serious bill, has no co-sponsors, will never move out of committee. Its just a message.

So a waste of time. Got it. What kind of message does it send when nobody supports it? And I’m just waiting to see who else will sign on to it.

You are playing checkers.
VA dems are playing Chess.

I like how the Dems always say “As a gun owner…”. Right there I call ■■■■■■■■■ No different with this guy.

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Our current president is a lib.


Gun ranges need a lot of space, so of course there aren’t many right downtown in any big city. Common sense.

No people? Huh?

Lots of guns downtown, lots of gun ranges in the area. Not so many US flags attached to pickup trucks, but I get my fill of those out where I live.

I hope it gets cosponsors and passes.

Except for the big river in between.


When I was there several years ago I had no idea which city was which.

In Minneapolis we say that the main difference between yogurt and St. Paul is that yogurt has a live, active culture.


My brother lives in Brooklyn Park, MN. I made the grave mistake of visiting him once in the month of January. I was so cold my eyeballs froze in their sockets. I’m from Tennessee where it’s 58 degrees and sunny today. The twin cities are a great place to visit, just not in the winter; especially if you’re a southern boy.

The latest lunacy in Wisconsin is 3 Republicans looking to make English the official language of the state of Wisconsin. Because maybe there’s a danger of Mexican taking over.

It will go nowhere, but it excites the base. :roll_eyes:


Minnesota and Wisconsin winters are no joke. It’s an unseasonably warm 24 degrees here today.

I am praying for no repeat of last February. That was brutal.

The dreaded polar vortex. When it drops to 25 degrees or more below zero I begin to question my life choices.

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It is 70 degrees now for me in AZ here.


Boo this man!!! BOOOOOOO!!!

Greetings from cold Missouri where we are unseasonably warm today and it is currently 47.

Did you get any of that snow that went through your neck of the woods?

Why are Virginians so easily triggered these days?

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You’ve never been there have you?