New Indictment Any Minute Now

Tarring the left with a moderately talented, conspiracy theorist like Oliver Stone, is like defining the right by moronic rageaholic Ted Nugent. Neither represents the vast majority of the divide in this country. And Berkeley? Okay, let’s say Charlottesville is the bastion of conservatism. Fair? Extremes represent neither ism. Too complex for the partisan mind?

Which partisan side am I on?

Nonsense, does the FBI go and arrest Russians for invading Georgia? Or is the response to that situation up to congress and the President and not the FBI?

You aren’t in charge of what another country considers an act of war.

Come on dude. You know the difference between Russia invading georgia and russia criminally interfering with the domestic operations of our government. Where did serious Zantax go?

I don’t know the name for it but the kind that believes liberals hate America…?

Oh and who let Russia have Georgia by the way?

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Cool. You play with that rookie and when you catch up try again.

I am still serious, the FBI has no business doing this without Presidential approval. If the President can’t be trusted to give the appropriate response, he needs to be impeached, not the job of international relations given to Robert Mueller.

Source? Precedence? Anything to support that?

I already told you, the constitution, who is in command of the executive agency known as the FBI?

Best I can think of, which is closer but not equal, would be leaving the pages regarding Saudi Arabia out of the 9/11 commission report. Yet we still charged Saudi’s for the crimes involved.

You think and State and the President didn’t sign off on that?

You, as a parent of a foreign born child who was also brought here against their will (no one asked my 4 month old baby if this is what he wanted and I assume your children were to young to be asked also,) I would expect you to be way more understanding of Dreamers plight.

Sorry to say but it does say a lot about you as a person.

The president commands the FBI by choosing their organizational leadership. He can give them directives. He does not command who and what gets prosecuted. You’re pulling a Nixon now.

So bringing charges against any foreign national for cyber crime must be approved by the president? I’m sure you have examples of this happening in the past.

On leaving the pages out of the report? Absolutely.

On the investigations and prosecutions? Well no, because who the hell would ever think we’d have a president who would not want to protect america? This is new. This is not normal to have a president openly side with our adversaries.

Yes, I am a rookie because irony, when written, is very difficult to get. I just read many of your previous posts and honestly can’t tell what you’re saying. Use small words and add drawings, I’ll catch on.

Hilarious, Obama didn’t tell them to lay off DACA recipients?

Honestly is worth points. Attaboy.