New Indictment Any Minute Now

Well rest easy because that’s not what is happening. We’re defending our nation against individuals under command of the Krelmin. If they don’t like it, they can stop.

Again you make the argument that we shouldn’t stop a burglar because he might get upset.

“But but but the burglar’s dad is the Mayor!” Doesn’t matter. We must defend our country.

This isn’t some made up thing Zantax. This is real, and you seemingly have become some sort of wimp about it and say we should allow it to continue because they might fight back? Naw.


A burglar doesn’t have a large arsenal of ICBM’s.

You know damn well another president wouldn’t be sacrificing his own minions, and our county’s institutions to defend a foreign country interfering in our business.

Then impeach him. The answer isn’t to authorize the FBI to create international incidents without the approval of State and the President.

So what would you do? Because It’s starting to sound like surrender to the idea of Russia (or any other nuclear armed nation) doing whatever the hell they want with us.

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No, the answer is to have the people authorized constitutionally deal with it, not the FBI who isn’t in charge of international diplomacy.

[quote=“zantax, post:452, topic:7106”]
Then impeach him. [/quote]

I would.

Who Authorized them to do that then? Impeach them. What’s stopping the party in complete power?

They’re in charge of defending our laws.

Which were blatantly broken. I know you agree with that.

[quote=“hwyflier, post:455, topic:7106, full:true”]

What do you think I have been saying, Trump needs to do his job, resign or be impeached. The FBI has no business doing this outside the chain of command of the Executive.

Why can’t Trump be a man, an American President, and throw down these indictments to Putin and tell him to knock it the ■■■■ off?

Why can’t he do that?

Why is he going to kiss his ass instead?

I know, that’s why I circled back to that. You said it, but I don’t see you gaming out why he hasn’t and (probably) won’t.

[quote=“zantax, post:457, topic:7106, full:true”]

Can you link us to any laws or rules that say indictments against foreign nationals must be approved by the president?

Gee, I wonder how many foreign nationals break our laws every day? So can you answer my question? If the Russians got really pissed and went to war over it, would you be ok with the FBI starting a nuclear war because Russia broke the law? Yes, or no.

[quote=“Airyaman, post:460, topic:7106, full:true”]

Sure, how about the constitution that says who is in charge of that executive agency? Will that do?

Naw, because he’s working from his feelings, not reality.

And right now apparently his strongest feeling is surrender to the will of Russia because they might not like us telling them to stop messing with us.

It’s nearly Stockholm Syndrome.

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How very vague.

Charges against foreign nationals happen without presidential approval.

Why should this be any different?

No, I am fine, if we respond to them, I just know who is supposed to be in charge of how we do so.

And his name is not Robert Meuller.

Let’s just let Russia have Crimeria, Georgia, and Syria, and disband Nato.

Evict the UN.
We should pack up all our bases across the world and create fortress America with walls all around us and turn off the light house.

If anyone wants to hack us,rob us, or generally ■■■■ with us, let them, because who are we to say no? What are we? Who do we think we are?

Knock down the French statue of Liberty and while we’re at it, nuke california.

That’s what republicans want eh?

It’s not an act of war to prosecute criminals.