New Indictment Any Minute Now

He hasn’t been wrong yet. That is something to note and makes me not put all my eggs in one basket

Uh huh… If people are being “downright rude and obnoxious” to you because you adopted a child, consider surrounding yourself with a better class of people. My brother and his wife are well-loved and have scads of friends. I’ve probably met most of them. As to cost, they already had 6 kids when they adopted the brothers, so I don’t think they noticed the expenses.

Snark on, with your bad self. Try to be nicer.

He can do like he’s done in the past, turn states evidence to stay out of prison.

I wonder, since Trump likes to run around with insecure Android phones (BUT HER EMAILS) if maybe our own law enforcement has hacked his phones and is listening in on him. Not just his phone calls, but as a microphone and camera.

Good time to re-up this article:

The Cozy Bear hackers are in a space in a university building near the Red Square. The group’s composition varies, usually about ten people are active. The entrance is in a curved hallway. A security camera records who enters and who exits the room. The AIVD hackers manage to gain access to that camera. Not only can the intelligence service now see what the Russians are doing, they can also see who’s doing it. Pictures are taken of every visitor. In Zoetermeer, these pictures are analyzed and compared to known Russian spies. Again, they’ve acquired information that will later prove to be vital.


What’s killing you Trump Republicans is Mueller is systemically and thoroughly going through this investigation and doesn’t care what’s on Fox or message boards or the internet. He’s doing the job he was given and doesn’t care if you guys want to try this case in the media.

I can see why that’s really frustrating. You have no control over it.

You are assuming it’s my friends or people I surround myself with. How wrong you are. It’s judgemental ■■■■■■■■ who don’t even know me or my family but sure want to get their opinion in. They are everywhere. Even here on his forum. :wink:

As for being nicer…do you even read your own posts? Because damn girl, your snarky all wrapped up with a bow. Don’t pretend otherwise.

I love the Trumpsters simultaneously claiming it didn’t happen and if it did it doesn’t matter.

It ain’t killing me. He’s got nothing we have not known for decades. Foreign countries hack.

Rush Limbaugh went full on Alex Jones today. Maybe he’s mixing viagra and oxy again.


So, you’re complaining about mean people on the internet? Well that’s any easy problem to fix.

As to random strangers in the world, how would they know that your child is adopted?

I suggest you review how this conversation transpired and then ask your god for forgiveness.

They are not our enemies. Or did we declare war and I missed it? Enough already. Trump needs to fire Meuller and regain control of his agency. Does anyone think for a hot second heads would not have rolled if the FBI had announced indictments against Iranians during his attempt to get a nuclear deal? They are now treading in the foreign policy arena and they have no business doing so.

his = Obama

What has that got to do with it?

Do you believe they aren’t as American as your kid or mine?

My kid isn’t American because it cost me a lot of money to adopt him and that I filled out many papers to adopt him? My kid is American because this is where he has grown up and is all he knows.

But thanks for confirming exactly who I thought you to be.

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It matters because they just broadcasted more evidence which puts pressure on those they CAN take to trial

They hacked the election systems of 20 states. What they did in there…we’re still finding out bit by bit. Could have been just stole the voter rolls and done nothing. Could be they stole the voter rolls and used them for nefarious purposes. Could be they changed the voter registration rolls. Do you disagree?

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It does matter though. They just got cut off from the western world.

Right. I dont get it. They laugh about how naive Obama was…then defend the guy who cozies to Putin and rejected all of the intelligence that showed they did the hacking

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Adversaries. One we recently had to defend ourselves against and slaughter at Deir Ezzor.

No big deal, America got attacked.

On other Rosenstein news…