New england journal of medicine calls for trump to be voted out

Thank you for the post my friend.

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No problem at all, friend.


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Well, he backed SOME of them up vocally. If only there were some quick and easy way of differentiating between those he supported and those he did not.

His administration did do a decent job of providing what support they did provide equitably.

That would destroy the gop and the conservative movement…

Anyone check Alyssa Shearer’s political inclinations? I did. Not really necessary tho - - it’s obvious.

You are kidding yourself.

Apolitical? Hahaha … you might want to check into that a little closer — should only take a few seconds.

They have a high factual rating and are considered left leaning only in the fact they recognize climate change and scientific methods.

Editorially, they have been critical of the Trump administration, but rightfully so, on his handling of the COVID crisis.

Check out the people - and the magazine … Alyssa Shearer for one (urging people to contribute to Biden) …their embracement of the green new deal… younger people have replaced the legends of SA … leftists for the most part. Don’t be duped.

How much fake news do you need to repeat to push the story you want to be true.
Let’s see who do I believe a young lady who has been away from home in several states working the ICU’s taking care of covid patients.
Or a partisan leftist on the internet who needs to push a fake narrative because of hate.
Seems to me that the choice is easy.
I’ll take the word of a lady doing the actual work over a bunch of hacks with an agenda.

Well okay then. I will still pray for you and your daughter. This is dangerous stuff. Good luck! As a parent I know all too well that it is terrifying when our children are in danger and we don’t have a hand in their safety. I hope you guys both stay well. :slight_smile: