New Dog Whistle: Trump vs Cummings

It required a lot of thinking to make that bold prediction.



you dont say

when trump actually mentions anything about race come back and let us know

Yeah, that’s why its amazing you “predicted” it. I’m gonna go out on a limb and predict last superbowl winner. Patriots.

Yes unlike Trump who has spent his whole life fighting for Americans oh wait that was Obama who worked for a community outreach program were he help people get jobs, fight illegal housing practices then became a lawyer and worked on civil right cases to fight discrimination.

Identity politics isn’t going to cut it this time anymore than it did in 2016 but they just can’t resist.

You have a right to your opinion.

well theres less of a chance that they won than trump is called a racist

not my fault you can’t seem to grasp reality.

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Trump loves America so much his charity was shutdown for illegal practices.

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More chance of them actually losing last years Super Bowl Than Trump actually being a racist.

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Trump was once fined by the government for openly refusing to rent property to minorities.


Once again you are welcome to your opinion.

Trump is a upper class silver spoon fed baby boomer of course he is racist.

That’s your opinion.

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It is. Certainly not a fact.

Seriously, in all honesty and not doing any kind of online jokey/bored/triggery/trolley persona, just like if you were sitting with me at lunch, eye to eye, and we knew each other and we were having an honest to god human interaction/conversation, are you that certain Trump isn’t racist?

Trump tells it like it is.

I am. Racist gets thrown around way too loosely by leftist pols.