New Dog Whistle: Trump vs Cummings

I didn’t vote for anybody. Nobody earned it.

“His” community.

You think he was proud of his country all those years?

Might want to look at the black unemployment rate under Trump.

You seem to be in a bit of a tizzy. Calm down.

more proud then Trump, Trump hasn’t done a single thing to help his country in his life.

I didn’t ask about Trump.

I think someone who devote their time to helping their communities and follow citizen loves their country.

Trump wouldn’t have had the same policies. It would have worked. He’s been a Dem his whole life.

Don’t forget his wife wasn’t.

Ya she hates America how dare she spend her time bettering the lives of its citizens, she spent 8 years trying to make children healthy for communism.

You’ve lost the plot.

No he got it right

we don’t agree on what constitutes loving America.

singing a song with your hand over your heart doesn’t mean anything.
wearing a little pin doesn’t mean anything.

anyone can do that.

loving your country means devoting your time to better the lives of those around you.

both Obamas have devoted years of their lives to better the lives of Americans.

You want to nitpick that Michelle Obama hate American because she made one remark about not being proud of it? go for it but that doesn’t negate the years of service she has devoted to helping her fellow citizens.


I’m not arguing troll reality anymore.
Trump is race baiting because it’s easy and lazy.
His supporters support it because it burnz the libs…
That’s really about it.


Bill Gates was once called the most charitable man in the world because he has given tens of billions to charity, he said that wasn’t true because that person who is there giving up their time is vastly more charitable then him because anyone can give money.

I devoted years to it too. And her husband getting elected was not the first time I was proud of it. She was young, but alive when her country landed on the moon. For example.

Oh, and I don’t need a lecture on America from you, ok?

Michelle was 5 when the moon landing happened I doubt she really cared, and why do you care so much about what she has been personal proud of her country for

have you for your whole life been undoubtedly proud of America there wasn’t a single moment that you were distrustful of its actions.

and I think people need a lecture because in the era of Trump, people seem to think criticism of America history or American government means you hate your country.

You can’t possibly imagine how little I care what you think about my country.


I don’t care, your opinion of me will not defer me from posting here or replaying to you.

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