New Cabinet Position Suggestion:

DOn’t roll over for me. Roll over so future presidents can’t use their power of their office to profit personally.

Oh now Trump was personally profiting.

Do libs even think before they post?

Yes. In the form of help with his election.

Have you paid any attention to the news at all lately?

What help did he get?

So wanting to investigate abuse by former vice president who was actually profitting is now considered profiting?

Only in libs world is such things are turned upside down.

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No sense in rehashing it - from now on, it’s a-ok to try what trump tried.

China has a vested interest in making sure Trump loses in 2020. Biden, Sanders, etc., should be coordinating now with Chinese officials to make that happen. Conservatives think widespread propaganda campaigns have little to no effect on voters anyway, so they won’t object.

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So now libs want to team up with China to defeat the evil Trump nation.

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Well I don’t speak for anyone but myself, but hell yes! Why not?

This ain’t exactly what the OP was going for.

But that position isn’t needed.

The United States raison d’etre since World War II is to interfere in the business of other nations and to **** what they or their populations want.

Even in the couple of instances (Project Ajax/Iran hostage crisis, Vietnam) where we have gotten a deserved comeuppance for our interference, this nation has learned nothing.

We don’t need that post.

Our whole ******* government IS that post.

And just so the Trumper’s don’t take the above as a personal affront, this applies EQUALLY to both parties. Interfering warmongers ALL.

If China to help Biden exactly what Russia did to help Trump, how could anyone complain?

Where is your proof that she’s a drunk? Sounds like character assassination to me.

And yet more facts:

So you think the people in more rural states didn’t already realize what a lousy candidate and generally despicable human being Hillary Clinton is, without being reminded by the Russians? If she wasn’t so condescending, insulting, dishonest, disingenuous, arrogant, out of touch and downright nasty, the people in rural America would have voted for her if only Russia wouldn’t have reminded everyone of these facts?

The left owns and runs the media in this country, and if they weren’t so blatantly dishonest, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama for that matter, couldn’t win an election against Ronald Reagan’s corpse.

Go ahead. Let China take out all the anti-trump ads they want here in America. They couldn’t possibly smear and slander Donald Trump more than the left wing media already does. You’ll see in November we sure as hell don’t need any other country to tell us what losers you guys are running…

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You surely are not suggesting that Rupert Murdoch is a leftie? If you are that is absolutely hilarious.

I’m referring to stealing emails from teh GOP and releasing them at just the right time to damage the D opponent.

Which is what the russians did.

They’ll have more flexibility after the election.

Somebody pass that on to Vladimir…

Awesome. So that which you condemn has been amplified and encouraged to continue- by you.

As soon as Trump gets reelected, you can impeach him if you still have the House.

Y’all ever notice how libs sometimes pretend like they’re asking follow-up questions, but in reality they’re just lashing out and trying to shame you for not hopping on the hateful soapbox with them? :thinking:

They were so moral and righteous when Obama was Dear Leader. :rofl:

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