Never Again should we walk around blindly

Never Again should the Democrats be allowed to have a party, let alone have any type of authority over us… The Democrats just tried a Coup on the American people, using appointed heads of the FBI,CIA, Media like CNN, MNBC ETC. ETC…IF ever given the chance to hold office over us will just turn out the same, and there are NO MORE Mr. Trumps that will help save our country, HE is OUR Last Hope for this Country, can you even imagine what the Democrats would’ve done to this country after Barry O and seeing the likes of them that are in office now, this country would be done with in 4 yrs time, complete open borders, bye bye guns, cars, jobs, you name it, bye bye, and its very clear.
The fact the people haven’t rose up and demanded these people to be put out of office and jailed is beyond me.

This doesn’t sound authoritarian to me at all, and jailing innumerable Democrats in the course of an unspecified popular uprising appears to be a great plan and indefinite one-party rule seems like a good idea and placing all your faith in a single executive authority–well, nothing could go wrong with that either. Great post.


I wonder what you would be saying if Trump didn’t win because of a political coup the Democrats tried to pull off, because if he didn’t win, its exactly what you just said, the Democrats would hold the presidency for the rest of Americas lifetime and we all know how they roll…

It’s president Barack Obama to you.

TrumpFlale meltdowns are going off lately

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No, its Barry O, the Trojan Horse for the Muslim Brotherhood, it must be true, I’ve been calling him that for 10 yrs or so

You do know the boogeyman isn’t real right? Neither is Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny.


I see an end of the Democratic Socialist Party in the near future, the 3 stooges brought down the House, LMAO, I always said Democrats will always cut off their nose to spite their own faces, GOD is GREAT!

Still making stuff up, I see.

If he hadn’t won, it would be because he didn’t get the number of electoral college votes he needed - not some alleged “coup.” That’s the way we select presidents in this country - they are elected by electoral college. It’s right in the constitution.

We should send all democrats to Gitmo.


Wingnuts were saying the same thing the entire 8 years PRESIDENT Obama was in office.

Facts, nothing but facts, if you watched Fox News you’d know such things and not need a link

And in November, 2016 God was made flesh!

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God is still Our Father and his Son is still the Lord, Mr. Trump is just tool for his use, and his will, will be done. FACT

Well, he’s a tool, I’ll give you that.


Your opinion coming from the opinion of those on a propaganda news station. No journalist of any type of credibility would repeat the nonsense you posted.

I got an idea…how bout instead of Fox News check out thinking for yourself. It can be very liberating.

sounds good to me, Barry O n other Democrats was all for letting some go, that did return to wage war on us again, something wrong about that im sure, Hmmm

AKA President Barack H. Obama


For those of us who were alive during Watergate, I’m sure you recognize the phase we’ve entered.