Never Again should we walk around blindly

You learned that Obama was a Trojan Horse for the Muslim Brotherhood from Fox?

I do think for myself, but if I want to hear the truth about stuff, I go to them, I tried the other news, they’re clearly biased and say things, I know are lies, kind a hard to turn them on, except if I want a good lol, like Madcow Maddow, man that lady is nuts,lol

Nope, that was some insight of mine, came true too, all the things I say do,
started happening when I was a little boy

if you don’t believe me, talk to Greta Van sustern and her old gretawire bloggers, I told them all these things, even that Mr. Trump was going to be the next president, before he started to run

Your insight leaves you even less informed than you would be watching nothing but Fox.

The one thing I agree with, however since I know God and have Him in my life I doubt you will get the result you’re hoping for.

Good luck with that.

My brother was crucified for less, why should I expect anything less from people these days,
I hope he is in your lives and that he knows you, because on that day, many will be told from his own lips," I Never Knew You", but didn’t I do this and didn’t I do that in your name, yes, BUT, I Never Knew You", make sure he does.YLBD

I am as my Father, I say it how it is, not how people want to hear it…

Ah. Another fake accounts be set up to make Republicans look foolish. The schtick is old and played out.

Yeah. Don’t feed the troll. It’s fun until you realize it’s fake.


Fake, what part?

I’m done feeding. Peace out.

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Fake? what part?

How bout I direct you to the Sermon on the Mount…read it and then see if any of it lines up with your lord and savior Donald trump.

Probably all of it. Maybe a little kernel of truth in there, blown out of any semblance of reality.

Yeah…you’re right. Bailing out also

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Another “if we don’t follow Donald blindly the leftist socialist lib mob Democrat Party will seize our guns, burn our Bibles, tax us 100%, unleash the brown hordes, force us to gay marry and make us have gay babies that they will then gay abort after they are born” thread.

Ive read it, over 100 times, Jesus/Yahushua is my brother, lord, master, Mr. Trump is just a man, a tool to be used for his will, I doubt you even come close to me in this race of ours, I’ve been running it for over 45 yrs, the Rev. Billy Graham said a Prayer n a Blessing over me when I was a young man, so I need any direction when if Comes to my Fathers words.

Funny, that’s what you did when Barry O was president, at least Mr. Trump is doing better in his 2 years, then Barry O did in 8…FACT

Clearly you haven’t. Cool story though.

peace…I’m out.

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