NC-09 flips blue

You predicted the GOP would win? I must have missed that post.


The Republicans won their seats. Congrats to them on hard fought victories.

Nope. It’s win some lose some.

I was mistaken. Thinking N.C.-09 would flip.

Next year with a new district map shall tell a different story.


Yep I missed my prediction. Of course things changed.

Harris did not run.

But congrats to the GOP for holding their seat.


Expected for a special election.

Bishop will have to defend his seat in a newly drawn district next year and we shall see what happens.


There was ad after ad, after ad, after ad…calling McCreedy…“McGreedy”. What I didn’t see, was any ad promoting Bishop and his qualities. I must say, I’m surprised by his win.

“NC-09 iS gOnNa fLiP bLuE!”

22 hours later:

“LoW tUrNoUt!”

“rEpUbLiCaNs ChEaTed!”



Your prediction will be about as accurate as the OP. No one is going to be angry.

As long as people are getting out to vote and voting from an informed position I think its great. I dont care who they vote for. I might disagree with their choice and I am free to express that disagreement but I never get angry.

Trump supporters are angry enough for all of us :grinning:


…so much so, that they start a Trump TDS thread on some new subject…everyday…oh wait. :sunglasses:


Give them some credit.

No mention of russians interfering.


Credit where credit is due. lol

I predict that today, Trump supporters will refer to any criticism of the president as “TDS.”

Now let’s see whose prediction comes true!

Haha heavily gerrymandered special election in a red state spells DOOM FOR DEMS

I’ve got enough personal responsibility on my plate. Please don’t make me responsible for your memories of times gone by. I don’t know if you were here at the time…but I yelled about going into Iraq and railed against it. I go my own way my friend. I always have and hopefully…always will. Sometimes we’ll agree and sometimes we won’t but I do not fit in any pigeon hole that you’ve mentally designed. :sunglasses:

This is a district that last elected a Democrat in 1962. Trump won by 12% in 2016. The Republicans had to pour in a ton of money and a visit from the President to eke out a narrow victory in a district that Republicans have not had to worry about for more than half a century.

Please continue with your belief this is a good sign for Republicans in 2020.


It looks as though President Trump had a rally to help win this election and guess what? WINNING!:sunglasses:




Don’t forget the gErRyMaNdErInG!


Never gets old! :+1:

Hyperbole. Where did the republicans cheat this election. That was the last one not this one.
