NBC:oneunderscore "White supremacist groups” like the Proud Boys — not Antifa — are the ones creating "organized violence“

Those are some nasty comments from the new chairman.

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Still sticking firm to this theory?

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They no longer need the dog whistles. They are proud to be out in the open. Disgusting.

Mixing up the narrative, don’t they have more reason to dissemble with a democrat poised to take over federal law enforcement? And going by the guys statement a few posts up, he unilaterally declared himself the leader, he wasn’t chosen to be.

No one cares about these incel proud boys, Why does the left need nazis so bad? Curious is it because there is nothing to talk about but race is that what this experiment called the U.S. really boils down to skin pigmentation?

I have to say that sounds so boring. A quick Google of them says they are very few in number and if the media didn’t put a spotlight on them they probably would have enough members to play a game of dungeons and dragons in their basement.

Haven’t you heard? All poor white people attend klan rallies on the weekend.

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Ya I hear that but it so boring to keep talking about it, The left and right need a new topic or it’s going to get as awkward as those people that when they get together the only thing they have in common to talk about is the weather.

But are those awesome ABSOLUTELY NOT RACIST Proud Boy standing back and standing by as Trump requested? Where are they standing by exactly? Just curious. Need to know where not to be.


Well, that pretty much establishes there are a lot of white nationalists in the Proud Boys, alright. I guess it was a wise decision on my part not to be one.
Now, … how many buildings have they burned down?

A month and a half old tweet.

Tsk, tsk
