Nationalism, Populism, Nationalizing and Socialism

Why is that? I dont totally disagree but for what reason? How about all of the cable companies and telecoms?

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Sure. Alaska is not nationalization though.

No but it is the exact same thing just broken down to a states level.

Not really. Those are private corporations…it’s royalties that being paid off of Alaskan land.

At least that’s my understanding of it.

Is it? Who owns the means of production?

well have no fear…2 top democrat contenders are now admitted hardcore socialist. Warren and Bernie. 2 northeastern socialist.

They both want to nationalize American energy. The both want to impose on our daily lives.

Nice job libs.

I resent imposition.

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Along with the Corporate media, all of the Oil companies, Telecom companies, internet providers, and nearly every industry that has 5 or less companies controlling said industries.


Or we could just use Norwegian model. The people of Norway get more benefit than private companies.

Equinor still had revenue of over 60 billions dollars last year…

Or we could just start calling ourselves Norwegians.

All journalists should be licensed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Government-approved news only.

That’s the spirit.

The thing being is people like to bitch about social security and unfunded liabilities where they took their natural resources and pay for it that way. It seems like a win win. By the way almost all of the top oil production companies are state owned