National security Threat/Alarm?

MSNBC is now reporting that the situation does have something to do with Russia.


Looking like the Russians figured out how to implement Reagan’s Star Wars program.

Nukes in space. Yep, I called it, new emergency spending program.

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Why not?


So that’s the national security hype all about…Russian nukes in space?

Russia had that technology for half a century…so what’s new?

Also put’s whole new meaning to Trump space force doesn’t it.

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LoL. Why was my post deleted?

Damn it quoted the wrong post


This one. I meant this one!

Are you in the correct topic? I can see every post, including deleted ones, and there isn’t a deleted post in this topic.

Just speaking for myself I also had a post deleted in this topic. I even got a mod message alerting me to it.

I have Board Admin access. I just went through every post from the first to now and I don’t see any deleted posts.

I will PM you.

Do that.

Read the rules.

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First 2 responses just troll posts


Yes, sounds like something right out of the swamp playbook. You can’t trust anything our intel agencies say. They missed 9/11 and we lost our rights. They tried to take out a sitting president.
They need to be ended. Can you think of any success they’ve had in 50 years?

They spy on US now!

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So it’s fractional orbit bombardment tech?

Wow. I mean the Soviets showed that off back in 1963.

I saw that and explained it in a PM to him.