National security Threat/Alarm?

Why not?


So that’s the national security hype all about…Russian nukes in space?

Russia had that technology for half a century…so what’s new?

Also put’s whole new meaning to Trump space force doesn’t it.

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LoL. Why was my post deleted?

Damn it quoted the wrong post


This one. I meant this one!

Are you in the correct topic? I can see every post, including deleted ones, and there isn’t a deleted post in this topic.

Just speaking for myself I also had a post deleted in this topic. I even got a mod message alerting me to it.

I have Board Admin access. I just went through every post from the first to now and I don’t see any deleted posts.

I will PM you.

Do that.

Read the rules.

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First 2 responses just troll posts


Yes, sounds like something right out of the swamp playbook. You can’t trust anything our intel agencies say. They missed 9/11 and we lost our rights. They tried to take out a sitting president.
They need to be ended. Can you think of any success they’ve had in 50 years?

They spy on US now!

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So it’s fractional orbit bombardment tech?

Wow. I mean the Soviets showed that off back in 1963.

I saw that and explained it in a PM to him.