National Red Flag Infringement Center

No, I’m not wrong.

What exactly do you feel a woman can teach a boy about being a man?

How you treat a woman has a lot to do with having a successful marriage. A successful marriage has a lot to do with what we’re discussing right now. They are intertwined.


What exactly do you feel a woman can teach a boy about being a man?

Does it? Happy wife happy life?

The National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center, according to a Saturday Department of Justice press release, will specifically provide assistance to law enforcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service and social service providers, community organizations and behavioral health professionals.

“ERPO laws, which are modeled off domestic violence protection orders, create a civil process allowing law enforcement, family members (in most states), and medical professionals or other groups (in some states) to petition a court to temporarily prohibit someone at risk of harming themselves or others from purchasing and possessing firearms for the duration of the order,” DOJ noted.

Isn’t this exactly what people on this forum say every time there is a mass shooting? Identify the mentally ill and keep them away from guns?

Yes, but not like this.

Ah…of course.

Assistance to do what?

That mental health requires treatment not deprivation of rights.


Being responsible. Being dependable. Being respectful. Being accountable. The list is a long one.

That’s not a detail, it’s a bumper sticker.

But that’s all right, I have long suspected this whole “mental health” response from conservatives wasn’t an actual response so much as a place holder; they need something to say. And “good guy with a gun” isn’t getting it done anymore.

The gun violence issue will never be solved. Its part of our society so just get used to it.

The insane amount of firearms available and easy accessibility contributes to it, mental health issues contribute to it, how any attempt to fix it is seen as an attack on the 2A contributes to it, the lack of accountability and sense of responsibility by so many contributes to it, the attraction of the so called gangster lifestyle contributes to it, the massive amounts of money the firearms industry pumps into DC contributes to it The list goes on and on.

Yes we have a massive societal problem with violence, mental health etc but I am resigned to the fact that society ad a whole is ■■■■■■ so all I can do is the best for my tiny corner of the world.

:rofl: You must be joking.

Of course it is.

How sad.

Ignoring the list. How convenient. The whole “think of the children” is just an excuse to disarm citizens.


You must not have had very strong women in your life? I have been surrounded my entire life and garnered much from them about being a man…especially one they’d label…a good one. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Identify people who are a rick to themselves and others?

Set up the systems to do that?

Sure, give the next adam lanza mental health care. But don’t let him have guns while he’s in treatment…

Thousands of kids killed by firearms say differently.

Yeah, this is weird. Parents is the most important thing. Not the gender of the parents.