National "Debt" is Over 21 Trillion Dollars

Answer what? Your idiotic claim I want tax increases? Please. :roll_eyes:

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Yes, but you don’t care debt anyway. So, why complain. You should be happy…

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They should be be up by true conservatives in their own party who actually care!!!

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What the hell happened to these people? Remember them?


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The dems don’t bash each other, why should the reps?

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They stopped getting paid. lol

It’s called having principles. Something you clearly lack.

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Sure… How did dems react to it? Dems don’t think there is a problem. Is there a problem?

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Was it you that started the Tea Party thread on the old board? Maybe its time to create a new one here. Give monthly updates after the new debt numbers are released about where Tea Party rallies are taking place.

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Dems dont think so. But the same people in these pictures sure had an issue with it. Where are they now?

Defending Trump at every turn, I’m sure.

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I was in one of those pictures once. Everyone just disappeared.

I’ve yet to see that debt clock ever go backwards. :thinking:

Principles like supporting tax cuts. or tax increases?  Which is your principled solution?
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You silly people, exploding the debt is part of being a “new” conservative. Us old conservatives are libs and don’t understand the benefits to owing so much debt…


Good idea.

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How would you stop the debt from exploding?

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Principles regarding a decrease of the debt, deficits, and spending. And not blaming the Democrats for the poor governance by the Republicans.

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Dems don’t think so? What does that mean…

Most of the debt happened under dems, but who cares now. What the solution going forward…

Speaking of Conservatives, where are they? :thinking:

Dems don’t think there is a problem if the debt increases.