National "Debt" is Over 21 Trillion Dollars

Start with massively reducing our spending.

I do care about the debt. Monthly deficits were decreasing under Obama. Full Republican control reversed that trajectory. Congratulations.

So instead of continuing the deficit reductions, GOP chose to explode them.

Who’s gonna do that? Dems? Repubs? … :confused:

They think GDP growth is are best bet for the debt going forward now.

Obama doubled the debt yes…and, so did George W but you never hear that the AM dial!

One of the reasons why the debt grew so much under Obama is that all of the costs from the Iraq War was finally put on the books. During W’s term, the costs of the war were kept off he books.

Most of the spending in on entitlements… Dems will just say you hate grand ma, and the poor…


Sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the $88,952,972 in newly acquired debt since I started this thread. :rofl:

Since Republicans control government, especially spending, then it should be them. But as we are seeing, they won’t. So we should replace them with people who will. That’s the only solution I can think of. What’s your idea?

So? They say that already.

I think if we replace them with anyone, it will just be more people spending more money. :man_shrugging:

Stop throwing facts around like that NuffSaid! AM dial surfers won’t understand… lol

Get the dems to offer some cuts…

Do we just give up then? Throw our hands in the air? I’m not ready to resign myself to the notion that nothing can be done on this front. Perhaps I am naive in this regard.

So, reps would lose the house…

You just say anything whether it is true or not, don’t you?

I looked at the OMB numbers for total outlays. Let’s just see who increased spending more?

I calculated each year’s expenditure increase over the previous year. I then took the average yearly increase for each President. Here are the results:

Reagan: 7.7% increase per year
Bush: 6.8% increase per year
Clinton: 3.3% increase per year
Bush II: 6.6% increase per year
Obama: 3.4% increase per year
Trump: 3.3% increase per year

Note the Dem Presidents consistently have smaller rates of spending increases than Republican Presidents. Trump only has one year of data.


Actually it’s completely true.

Spending is controlled by the congress…

I’m just as lost for solutions as you are. I can see one thing clearly though, the last 35 years of back-and-forth hasn’t done a damn thing but add more rules for us to follow, and more debt for us to pay back.

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Sounds great! I’d certainly applaud that, along with the reduction of government that comes with that. Question now is, who’s ox do you gore?