National "Debt" is Over 21 Trillion Dollars

The good news is the debt is sekf-liquidating. All we have to do is stop adding to it (balance the budget) and it will go away on it’s own.

The had news is that the annual deficit is 20% of all federal spending.

Feb 16, 2018 · The U.S. federal budget deficit for fiscal year 2019 is $985 billion. … The deficit occurs because the U.S. government spending of $4.407 trillion is higher than its revenue of $3.422 trillion.

Four Reasons for the Budget Deficits.

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Dems never ran on a platform of reducing debt. Republicans have.
Considering that the national debt has gone up, and the tax cuts have been in effect for 5 months now, its safe to say that the tax cuts have not reduced the debt at all and most likely have contributed to an increase. But hey, when is the next Tea Party Rally? Fox News should be touting that as they did almost on a daily basis in 2009 and 2010.

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Correction, they never have cared. It makes a tasty campaign plank to stand on though, and the minions gobble it up.

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The GOP sure did pretend like they cared though.

Vote them out. All of them.


All of them. Everyone. Yes? Yes. Now what? lol

So, If dems don’t care about debt why should Rep get beat up over it?

Is the rate of increasing debt faster or slower since the tax cuts? That’s the question.
We had surplus last quarter. I don’t think we will this quarter, but we’ll see what happens

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Who gives two cares about what the Democrats say or think? The Republicans control government. Every aspect of it. Either Republicans believe in debt reduction, spending reduction, deficit reduction, or they don’t. And clearly they don’t.

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Republicans only care about protecting the mob family that’s occupying the White House.

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You want tax increases? That’ what the dems would do, and they would increase spending even faster…

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Unfortunately you are spot on here.


I concur as well, though I was never alive to see through the BS of yesteryear’s crop of clowns.

What a silly strawman you have going on here. :roll_eyes:

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Hard to get elected when the dems are saying you’ll throw grand ma over the cliff. Reps want to get elected too. Reps can’t cut the debt buy themselves with such a thin majority.

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You just don’t want to answer…

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But hasn’t the GOP increased spending that took tax money that dems increase? So where are either party good for The People? Vote them all out, vote the fed out, and start limiting state power as well. Anarcho-capitalism sounds pretty good rn.

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What are you talking about? Republicans have been gaining seats at historic levels. You guys kept posting it for years. Seems like it was pretty easy for Republicans to get elected.

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There was a budget surplus April 2018, just like there is a surplus every April, due to income taxes filed.

In February 2018, the budget deficit was 216 billion dollars, 24 billion dollars more than Feb 2017.

You’re increasing the debt faster. Congratulations.

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[quote=“Cratic3947, post:26, topic:1304, full:true”]
So, If dems don’t care about debt why should Rep get beat up over it?[/quote]

This sentiment is what I just don’t understand.

In 2009 and 2010, republicans came out of the woodwork, all touting that they are part of this “TEA” party. Tired of taxes, tired of the debt growing out of control. And in 2010, they won the mid-terms based on that premise.

Why is it that 8 years later, they simply don’t give a ■■■■■ What changed? They made a big stink about it. If they go back on their original blustering, they should be allowed to be beat up for it.

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Budget deficit March 2018 was $207 billion, $30 billion more than March 2017. Yep, full on Republicans increasing the debt faster. Congratulations.

And this happening in a booming economy.

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Republicans were elected just fine, and control the entirety of government, even though the Democrats were saying this in the last election. Your inability to take personal responsibility, is what encourages the GOP to behave this way. They know enough people like you exist who will never hold them accountable for anything. Blame the Democrats. That helps. :+1:

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