National Archives Slaps ‘Harmful Content’ Warning On Constitution, All Other Founding Documents

That like saying the 14th amendment was progressive. It was not. Just codified what should have been apparent from the jump. That everyone is equal.


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I am not wrong about so many things. You perception is quite incorrect.

What I do is disagree with you on many occasions. My opinions about things are as valid as yours are.


Huh. I didn’t know you thought this way. That explains a lot about your philosophy here in the forum.


What does it explain to you?

Your philosophy. Where you are “coming from”.

Sure, but what is it?

Summed up in a sentence: “local governance and leave me alone”.

No. Follow the Constitution. Some central government is necessary, such as for the common defense of the confederated states.


Small government unless we are talking abortion, gay marriage, social media, kneeling at football games, renaming french fries, etc.

You are an american citizen.

Your country and your state.

You do not think you are an american citizen?

That just grinds your grits lol.

The leftist have a chose. They can make the tax cuts permanent or they can raise the tax’s on middle America which is what they really want. I look for the leftist to let the tax cuts expire and than try to blame the GOP. I don’t believe they will be able to sell it but that’s the way partisan games are played.
Your side are not saints like you believe.

And pulling your pants up and acting like a lady.

How many laws do you need to act right?

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You aren’t the decider.

No one has to decide. You are a citizen of the USA.

Not sure why that upsets you.

What does your passport say?

I don’t need any.