"Nancy Pelosi!" I Scream

I really do recommend @LucyLou you top it with 100s and 1000s. Just imagine the level of outrage then.

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I am disappointed.
Back during the β€œTan Suit/Dijon Mustard Era of Loathing” this thread would be about 1000 posts by now, mostly filled with anger and hatred towards the accused.


Oh…what does a congressman earn per year that makes their life style so rich and lavish?

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The Trump campaign ad featuring The Ice Queen in her ice cream and candy kitchen debut is great.


Its not. Its not going to sway one person. Trump worshippers already hate Pelosi with ever ounce of their being.
The rest of America does not care.

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Trump read my post a few days ago and copied it. :sunglasses:

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Pelosi sycophants hate Trump with every ounce of their being.

Americans do not care.


It is.

I dont know what I would have done if ice cream were not invented.

Pelosi appears clueless. Wonder how this will affect her re=election campaign in San Francisco.

In San Francisco? She’s a shoe in for reelection.

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So one thread on this wasn’t enough?

My ice cream drawer is bigger than hers.


Sorry;…I didnt see it. Maybe I can delete it?

This is just like when Obama lost the election because Republicans didn’t like his tan suit and his choice in mustard. Wait. . .

Do you think that is what it is like?

A tan suit is like Ice Cream? Do they taste similar or what? I dont see how they are alike. What am I missing?

Both are examples of mindless faux outrage that no one actually cares about.


I was worried after all the big actual scandals of the Trump administration that republicans excused without a 2nd thought (Buying off a porn star, hiding your tax returns, lying non stop, countless aids being indicted, etc) that we no longer would have the funny fake scandals (Tan suite, Asking for the right mustard, wearing mom jeans) to see outrage about.

Glad to see i was mistaken.

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I would like to see a homeless guy run and get elected with the homeless and illegal vote. Then the dems will suddenly support voter id.

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Well that took a turn.


I don’t like ice cream and I don’t like Nancy Pelosi. I’m not lactose intolerant; I just don’t eat ice cream because of all the sugar in it. It’s the same way with liberal policies. People think they like liberalism, but what is really happening is they’re addicted to the hidden sugar. Nancy Pelosi is the Queen of added sugar.