Nancy: Lock him up!

Les me guess. You haven’t read the report, have you?
Remember that 720 Federal Prosecutors signed a letter saying that the instances cited in the Mueller report were grounds for a criminal case and/or impeachment.

Oh Gawd. Then what the hell are they waiting for? Permission from Jesus? Shifty has been claiming to have evidence for months and won’t act on it. Saying they are slow as a snail would be an insult to snails.

You are quite a bit short on the number of signees, just saying.

You know that answer to this. It has been discussed on the cable news channels for weeks. Pelosi has not changed her position and she controls the caucus. I think she has a point that it is politically dangerous. And so far less then 50 Democrats have been vocal about doing it. I believe that they should start an investigation. It does not guarantee that they will go forward with impeachment proceedings. But it would be a good forum to get some important out in front of the people. Most people have not read the report. And it seems that so many Republicans on the hill only want to stick with Barr’s summary.
However Nancy might be right when she says that going through the motions when the possibility of removal from office is zilch might rub some Americans in the middle the wrong way. Film at eleven.


Well put. I assumed Pelosi’s “I want him in jail” statement was just red meat to mollify her caucus. We’ve gotten so used to Republican speakers with such limited skills (Hastert, Ryan, Boehner) its a pleasure to watch a professional at work.

The internal polling to be just right, is that not evident at this point?

Me? Short?..Oh, you are talking about that. Sorry.

I’m not eating a ban for vulgarity, shame on you Waz for even tempting me!

For the same reason federal prosecutors tend to compile excellent winning percentages in the case they bring… you bring a case when you can win it… not when the accused has the deck stacked to guarantee an acquittal.

Trump has held DOJ for two and half years and has not yet brought a case to lock up Hillary Clinton. Why don’t we hear you complain about how slowly that is going? Because you are not bothered by speed… you are bothered by Democrats.


And you apparently are bother by me. Maybe we should just quit trying to define people and simply have a conversation instead? How’s that grab ya?

Sorry dude. Just trying to lighten it up a bit.

So funny you said light … :rofl:

Yeah, well I’m a funny guy, for a Lib.

Trump knows there is no case there. But he sure as hell wants to keep it all in play. He wants to campaign on “re-elect me and I will lock them all up”. It suits his style.

Nope. If you go back to right after Trump was elected and ever since. All the predictions of doom and gloom. 90 percent or more turned out to be hogwash. The same with this stupid investigation. It’s dead. It ain’t coming back. The dems can’t come to grips with the fact they everything they try to get Trump with fails. So what do they do? They talk. And to most of their fans, that seems to be enough.

Their tactics will be proven smart or dumb in 19 months.

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I think at this point there is no added value. Most people are just tired of it. Empty accusations. The political gain has expired.

You might be right. I think the mistake that Nancy and other Democrats made was thinking that more people would be interested in reading the Mueller report. And Barr did a excellent job with his manufactured summary memo. And a whole bunch of people did not pay attention that Mueller took exception to how Barr had portrayed his findings.

I don’t like Trump, I’d prefer democrats to stick to facts and not act more like trump.

I don’t think you quite get it. Pelosi isn’t aiming for Dem fans, she is aiming at independents, and particularly in just a few key states, the same ones that delivered the EC vote to the Orange Julius. Rest assured if she can get numbers outside the MOE in those key states based on the way she is proceeding now, she will. I know it may be easy to sit at your desk or recliner or wherever you are posting from right now and think all is well and will be fine 18 months from now based on one anomaly, I wouldn’t be so sure of that.

This same woman managed to turn many many state seats, 40+ federal seats, and a bunch of govenorships in the dems favor in just two years, and that was in spite of the Trump cult supporters and in the middle of the “greatest economy ever” Imagine what will happen less than two years from now if the economy isn’t so great, and it won’t be if Trump keeps pissing everyone off with tarriffs and he won’t be able to blame it on anyone but himself. For reference I’ve seen estimates at less than 2% growth GDP for 2nd quarter 2019. The effects are already starting to be seen, and it isn’t good.