Nancy goes full marxist

Your assumption is incorrect. I had no problem with either Clinton being investigated

I’m talking about spying on your political opponents…don’t play stupid with me.


Asking for communication data in the course of an investigation is not spying on your political opponents

Sure it is. When it’s a politician “asking”.


They shouldn’t have done that. I don’t support what the capitol protesters did at all.

But just a few months before that entire city centers were on fire during the George Floyd protests. Yet there wasn’t nearly the same level of condemnation.


This is desperation reality kicking in, regardless of what one personally concludes about January 6th the FBI report neuters it. As if the FBI wouldn’t throw the book at Trump if they found something there to do it with. This is theater for the base only, to keep them interested as Biden fumbles and burns everything he touches.


Should congressional investigations be off the table that might include members of the opposite party?

Okay then, what’s Marxist about this?

It’s excuse to spy on opponents to gather material for 2022 election


Scared of what you think those lhone records will show?

Can’t wait until repugs take congress and senate.

Business as usual. Its hilarious you’re pretending otherwise

It’s only tyrannical when the other side does it. Or authoritarian. Or marxist. Or something.

It’s hilarious that you think libs are special.


Libs and Cons are two sides of the same partisan coin, neither is special. I do not expect the next time around to be any different than the last. The only one pretending this isn’t standard practice is you.

I’m the one that openly admit that repugs give libs a taste of their own medicine. So stop the crying game.

While pretending that they haven’t always engaged in same exact thing.

That would be those that acting as if this something new. Hillary’s shady server business (and it is shady) would of never surfaced if Republicans weren’t doing the same sort of stuff being denounced in this thread. I remember you being all for that

You brought race into a non racial thread. Just a little heads up not to take it too far. That is all.

Wrong. That doesn’t include total access to anyone they choose personal info. Pictures, web searches, texts from people who have not been accused of anything.

You really, seriously trust Nancy with the texts you send to your wife?

Are you freaking crazy?