Name Some Things That the liberal Media is at Odds With the dimocrat Party Over

You’re talking to someone who’s countrymen get excited about Curling.

Denying racism doesn’t make one racist. If your inference were true, then most people who believe Fox News are screaming racists. You’ve taken things too far. Nobody is saying what you’re inferring.

His posts have shown much more knowledge of American politics than yours have. What country do you live in?

The one where trump is your president.

maybe I was implying that you like to defend things coming out of this administration while pretending you don’t support it?

Oh, that’s bad news for you. So what excuse do you have for a Canadian showing more understanding about the U.S. Constitution and American politics in his posts than you do in yours?

I wouldn’t like that feeling one bit.

Trump has his own 24/7 media outlet, Fox News. The reporters there actually admitted that they report the news “the way the president wants.”

Canadian politics is very boring, most parties agree on 90% of thing and the arguing is mostly very polite.

What I got out of it was that lots of people like to deny things that make them uncomfortable, because being comfortable is nicer than being uncomfortable.

As we are seeing, there are many interpretations. I don’t know why he took the darkest one.

Yeah but what they argue about, actually has an effect on you.

Oh i wish i could dredge up the not my president posts from the old forum.

Yes, yes, yes, we all know. FoxNews is bad!! It makes you angry.

It’s also why I said 95% of the media is liberal.

Want a cookie?

There was an old forum? If so, I hope they didn’t switch over here because of 521 Errors, because if so, the problem has not yet been fixed.

It’s racist to assume he took the “darkest” one.

Well, I am a racist, so that would be just like me.

Never said that once. I wish you could too.

I rest my case.

I do so loathe this new forum but i gotta keep entertained somehow

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She’s Canadian? And she’s not encased in ice? What gives?

I know you are the type that would have said it.