Naked or Burkini? A very creative way to push back at Islam

If muslims move to other countries, they should adapt to the habits of that countries and not the other way round.
Sorry, but that muslims are free to go somewhere else, to any of their islamic countries, otherwise countries like France should kick them out

So simple of a concept. You adapt to the country who welcomed you. You don’t demand that they adapt to you. Why is it that Muslims nearly always seek out non Muslim countries to flee to anyway? Why do they never seem to want ti immigrate to Islamic countries?

Its a way of conquering without war. They did it several times during past 1400yrs. West of Europe is in big trouble because of muslim immigration, many countries have already 5-10% muslims

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First I’ll hit the post I responded to, I think it was #7. Yes it was number seven. Now if you would have said jump ahead to post 44 before responding to this post #7 then wouldn’t I look silly.

As it was I read your post and responded to that post. And yes, 44 comes before 48 but we came to the same conclusion independently. Me when I first saw it, you 37 posts later. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


We are so much more civilized here


Orthodox Jews, too, right? They should eat like we eat, dress like we dress, go to worship on Sunday rather than Saturday.

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Yeah, an 1880s swimsuit. :wink:

here is an incident from 3yrs ago, on Corsica: after banning that disgusting veil on all French beaches, some muslims ignored it and went on beach in burkas. Some teenagers started to shot pics, as that was for them like an object of interest. Muslim men got angry and attacked the teenagers with harpoons. The situation escalated, the Corsicans went to muslim ghetto with the intention to lynch the perpetrators. The scandal spread in entire France and was the issue of that summer…

why do you librals always skip to somethign else?
Orthodox jews are a different issue and they btw dont annoy everyone publicly with their habits and way of life, they dont cause scandals

All that US cities are governed by Dems for long time…London as well

The president of Kyrgyzstan (a country which btw is to 82% islamic) says following: " women in mini-skirts don’t become suicide bombers" and “women can become radicalized by wearing Islamic dress.”

All that islamic veil is a sign of fundamentalism and radicalization, and the islamic terrorists use it in the west like a kind of flag.

You do realize that the reason why there are so many muslims in France is because they colonized most of north Africa and were invited there. They make up about 10 percent of the country and up to 20 percent of the military and are very loyal to France. Why should they be kicked out?

Probably because most Islamic countries are run by hardline dictators. They have more opportunities in western countries. Plus who really wants to live in the desert anyhow

This post reads like a verse from Busta Rhymes song. That’s a good thing :clap:

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Irrelevant! Today generation of French didnt colonize anyone and doesnt have to accept all that muslim impertinence.

Really!? thats why there are problems with theme everywhere and attack churches last years, defecating and setting fire? Come on, spread your fairy tales about brave muslims and loyalty to France somewhere else

Should the French population have any say in this decision? Or should they always be doomed by their forebears mistakes? Because polling wise they are not wanting more migration and have overwhelming negative views of Islam.

Not true! If it would be like that, then there would be no problems with muslims, they wouldnt try to impose their way of life and religion to western countries

“they have more opportunities in western countries” - yes, the west is very rich and many of them regard it like booty

How long has the west tried to impose their culture and religion on to others?

How about mathmatics,libraries, surgical tools, architecture, rugs, astronomy, medicine. They have contributed alot to our cultures that you would never have guessed